What is happening today or soon in Gemert-Bakel? On this page you can see the calendar. Check out today's events, this weekend's events or later when you are in our beautiful municipality!

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1 to 24 of 114 results

  • Rondleiding historisch centrum Gemert

    Rondleiding historisch centrum Gemert

    until 22 December

    A tour of the historic centre of Gemert Forest will be provided by VVV guides.

  • Gala stoet Commanderij College Examenfeest

    Gala stoet Commanderij College Examenfeest

    Thursday 4 July

  • Pubquiz bij Dientje

    Pubquiz bij Dientje

    4 July, 1 August and 4 more days

    Pub quiz at Dientje!

  • Rondleiding kasteel Gemert

    Rondleiding kasteel Gemert

    6 July, 3 August and 4 more days

    Discover Castle Gemert with VVV Gemert-Bakel's guides. Learn more about this unique cultural heri...

  • Nostalgic fairground

    Nostalgic fairground

    6 until 8 July

    From 15 to 17 July, the traditional nostalgic carnival at the Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert will be he...

  • Markt in Hartje Gemert.

    Markt in Hartje Gemert.


    Note: Due to the Corona measures, the market is temporarily in Knight Square! Every Monday from 1...

  • Dansmiddagen voor Senioren vanaf 50 Plus

    Dansmiddagen voor Senioren vanaf 50 Plus


    Weekly fun dance afternoons for seniors 50 plus with DJ at Dientje in Gemert. No entrance fee, pl...

  • Markt in Bakel

    Markt in Bakel


    Every Tuesday morning market in the center of Bakel, St. Wilbertsplein from 09.00 am to 13.00 pm....

  • Vlooienmarkt MC 't Anker de Mortel

    Vlooienmarkt MC 't Anker de Mortel

    Sunday 14 July

    Nice cozy flea market on the village meadow in De Mortel for anyone who wants to sell their stuff...

    De Mortel
  • Openstelling park Kasteel Gemert.

    Openstelling park Kasteel Gemert.

    until 22 December

    The park of Gemert Castle is open to the public on several days in 2024

  • Gimmert Gist beer festival

    Gimmert Gist beer festival

    Sunday 14 July

    The eighth edition of the Gimmert Gist beer festival will take place on 14 July. Various regional...

  • Gemertse liederentafel

    Gemertse liederentafel

    Monday 15 July

    On july 15 there will be another Gemert song table at cafe den Engelenburcht in Gemert. Musical c...

  • Rondleiding St. Jan kerk en gewelven Gemert

    Rondleiding St. Jan kerk en gewelven Gemert

    20 July, 17 August and 21 September

    In the church of St. Jan in Gemert, the VVV organizes a guided tour through the church and over t...

  • 37e Openluchtmis Esdonks Kapelleke

    37e Openluchtmis Esdonks Kapelleke

    Sunday 21 July

    This year, the fine tradition of the open-air mass at the Esdonks Kapelleke, started in 1983 afte...

  • Zomerorkest Nederland in Gemert

    Zomerorkest Nederland in Gemert

    Friday 26 July

    On 26 July again the now traditional tryout of the start of a tour of the Netherlands by the Summ...

  • Kindervakantieweek Gemert.

    Kindervakantieweek Gemert.

    14 until 16 August

  • Bedevaart naar Handel

    Bedevaart naar Handel

    Thursday 15 August

  • Zebrafestival


    16 and 17 August

  • Elsendorpse zomerfeesten

    Elsendorpse zomerfeesten

    16 until 18 August

    On August 16,17 and 18, plenty of activities at sports park de Dompt in Elsendorp at the Elsendor...

  • Mega Vlooienmarkt Koks Gemert

    Mega Vlooienmarkt Koks Gemert

    Sunday 18 August

    On August 20, a mega flea market on the grounds at Koks Gemert.

  • Heel Handel aan de wandel

    Heel Handel aan de wandel

    Sunday 18 August

    On August 18 another edition of Heel Handel aan de wandel , a walking event that is in its third...

  • Bachata mania bij Time Out

    Bachata mania bij Time Out

    Saturday 24 August

    On 25 November, another unforgettable Bachata Mania night at entertainment centre Time Out in Gem...

  • 7-dorpenfietstocht


    Sunday 25 August

    On 25 August, several cycling clubs from Gemert-Bakel will organise the 7-village bike ride.

  • Bakel Kermis

    Bakel Kermis

    31 August until 3 September

    From August 31 to September 3 fair in Bakel. Various fairground attractions


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