
What is happening today or soon in Gemert-Bakel? On this page you can see the calendar. Check out today's events, this weekend's events or later when you are in our beautiful municipality!
49 to 72 of 94 results
Archery at Boerenbondsmuseum
Archery at BoerenbondsmuseumSunday 29 June
Archery Are you fascinated by archery? Try it out for yourself under professional guidance with...
Gemert -
Bedevaart van Geldrop naar Handel
Bedevaart van Geldrop naar HandelSunday 29 June
On 29 June, there will be the traditional pilgrimage from Geldrop to Handel again.
Handel -
Gimmert Gist beer festival
Gimmert Gist beer festivalSunday 29 June
The nineth edition of the Gimmert Gist beer festival will take place on 29 June. Various regional...
Gemert -
Nostalgic fairground
Nostalgic fairground5 until 7 July
From 5 to 7 July, the traditional nostalgic carnival at the Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert will be held...
Gemert -
Vlooienmarkt MC 't Anker de Mortel
Vlooienmarkt MC 't Anker de MortelSunday 13 July
Nice cozy flea market on the village meadow in De Mortel for anyone who wants to sell their stuff...
De Mortel -
Day of the bees at Boerenbondsmuseum
Day of the bees at BoerenbondsmuseumSunday 13 July
Day of the bees Discover the crucial role of bees and experience beekeeper life on Sunday 13 Jul...
Gemert -
Barrel organs in the Boerenbondsmuseum
Barrel organs in the BoerenbondsmuseumSunday 27 July
Barrel organs On Sunday July 27 many barrel organs can be admired and listened to in the Boerenb...
Gemert -
Kindervakantiewerk Bakel
Kindervakantiewerk Bakel11 until 15 August
Kindervakantieweek Gemert.
Kindervakantieweek Gemert.13 until 15 August
Gemert -
Bedevaart naar Handel
Bedevaart naar HandelFriday 15 August
Handel -
7-dorpenfietstochtSunday 24 August
On 24 August, several cycling clubs from Gemert-Bakel will organise the 7-village bike ride.
Gemert -
Gemert Balloon Festival
Gemert Balloon Festival5 and 6 September
On 5 and 6 september on the grounds of football association Gemert.
Gemert -
Fokpaardendag Gemert
Fokpaardendag GemertSunday 14 September
On September 14, the annual breeding horse day will again be held at event grounds the Schabbert...
Gemert -
Gemert Mert 2020
Gemert Mert 2020Sunday 14 September
Entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, associations and charities from Gemert - Bakel present themselves to...
Gemert -
van Schijndel Bouwgroep Molenbroekloop
van Schijndel Bouwgroep MolenbroekloopSunday 14 September
On 6 April GAC Gemert will again organize the van Schijndel Bouwgroep Molenbroekloop.There are th...
Gemert -
Kermis op de Kermis Handel
Kermis op de Kermis Handel26 until 29 September
KERMIS AT THE KERMIS 2025 We will be partying in the tent in Handel as usual this year!
Handel -
44ste kleppenjagerstreffen
44ste kleppenjagerstreffen3 until 5 October
Gemert -
Temple of Rock
Temple of RockSaturday 11 October
This unique and international tribute festival returns for its fourth edition to Time Out Uitgaan...
Handel -
FotokijkdagSunday 2 November
On November 2, a photo viewing day by Heemkundekring Gemert at cafe Dientje in Gemert.
Gemert -
Kwizzuth dorpsquiz
Kwizzuth dorpsquizSaturday 8 November
On November 8, the village quiz Kwizzuth in Milheeze will be fought again.
Talentenjacht de Laotbloeiers
Talentenjacht de LaotbloeiersSaturday 8 November
On 8 November, Laotbloeiers organises a talent show in Nazareth in Gemert in coll...
Gemert -
Prinsenbal de Bergkneuters Handel
Prinsenbal de Bergkneuters HandelSaturday 15 November
On Nov. 15, the traditional princes ball will again be organized by De bergkneuters Foundation fr...
Handel -
Prinsverschijning CV De Krulstarte de Mortel
Prinsverschijning CV De Krulstarte de MortelSaturday 15 November
On November 15 the prince appearance of c.v. de Krulstarte from Mortel at cafe 't Anker in Mortel.
De Mortel -
Jeugdprinsenbal de Bergkneuters Handel.
Jeugdprinsenbal de Bergkneuters Handel.Sunday 16 November
On Nov. 16, the youth prince ball will be organized by carnival foundation the Bergkneuters from...