Carnaval vier je bij Gij en Ik Gemert
Carnaval vier je bij Gij en Ik Gemert
27 February 2025 until 4 March 2025
Celebrate carnival at Gij en ik in Gemert in a cosy atmosphere from 0 February to 13 February
Friday 28 February 2025
Key transfer by the college of mayor and aldermen to the princes of all carnival associations in...
Carnaval met de Streupers in de Rips
Carnaval met de Streupers in de Rips
28 February 2025 until 4 March 2025
Carnaval in Krulstarteland
Carnaval in Krulstarteland
28 February 2025 until 4 March 2025
Carnival in krulstarteland at cafe t Anker in Mortel on 26,28 february,1,2,3 and 4 march. Several...
de Mortel
Carnaval met de Laotbloeiers in Gemert.
Carnaval met de Laotbloeiers in Gemert.
1 March 2025 until 4 March 2025
From 10 February to 13 February, several carnival activities of Laotbloeiers will...
Carnaval met de Veenmollen in Milheeze.
Carnaval met de Veenmollen in Milheeze.
1 March 2025 until 4 March 2025
Groot Gemertse optocht de Drumknaauwers
Groot Gemertse optocht de Drumknaauwers
Sunday 2 March 2025
Traditionally, on Carnival Sunday, the Procession passes through the streets of Waeverstad. The P...
2 March 2025 until 4 March 2025
On March 2,3 and 4 again the famous teen carnival in the Eendracht in Gemert.
Optocht de Krulstarte de Mortel
Optocht de Krulstarte de Mortel
Monday 3 March 2025
On March.3 the carnival parade of the Krulstarte in Mortel pulls again.
de Mortel
Optocht van de Streupers
Optocht van de Streupers
Monday 3 March 2025
On March.3 the beautiful parade of the Streupers will once again pass through the streets of de...
De Rips
Optocht van de Bergkneuters
Optocht van de Bergkneuters
Monday 3 March 2025
On March 3 the famous carnival parade of the Bergkneuters will pass through the streets of Hande...
Blaasmuziekfestijn 't Waorstenbal
Blaasmuziekfestijn 't Waorstenbal
Monday 3 March 2025
On 3 March, a big waorstenbal organised by Of ge Waorst lust at cafe Dientje in Gemert with sever...
Optocht van de Peelvruuters
Optocht van de Peelvruuters
Monday 3 March 2025
On March.3 the carnival parade of the Peelvruuters will once again pass through the streets of El...
Optocht van de Veenmollen
Optocht van de Veenmollen
Tuesday 4 March 2025
On Feb. 13, the parade of the Veenmollen passes through the streets of Milheeze.
Danstoernooi DV Euphonia de Rips
Danstoernooi DV Euphonia de Rips
Sunday 9 March 2025
On March 9, dance association Euphoria from de Rips is organizing a big dance tournament at party...
De Rips
Danstoernooi Ready 2 Dance bij De Eendracht
Danstoernooi Ready 2 Dance bij De Eendracht
Sunday 9 March 2025
On March 9, dance association Ready 2 Dance is organizing a big dance tournament at Cultuurhuis D...
Workshop duurzame schoonmaakmiddelen
Workshop duurzame schoonmaakmiddelen
Saturday 22 March 2025
On 22 march, Heerlijck Hopveld is organising a sustainable cleaning products workshop olv Maartje...
Optrekdag St. Jorisgilde Gemert
Optrekdag St. Jorisgilde Gemert
Saturday 19 April 2025
On April 20, the St. Joris Guild Gemert's parade day.
Historical parade Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Historical parade Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Sunday 20 April 2025
Discover an overview of life in a Brabant village from 1900 to 1940. Traditions are shown and all...
Pasen in het Boerenbondsmuseum
Pasen in het Boerenbondsmuseum
20 April 2025 and 21 April 2025
Spring is in full swing at the Boerenbondsmuseum! Enjoy young animals that are eager to go outsid...
Jaarlijkse motorzegening MC Laurentia Milheeze.
Jaarlijkse motorzegening MC Laurentia Milheeze.
Monday 21 April 2025
Koningsnacht op 't Ridderplein
Koningsnacht op 't Ridderplein
Friday 25 April 2025
On 25 April, King's Night at 't Ridderplein will be organised by cafe Gij&Ik.
Koningsdag Gemert
Koningsdag Gemert
Saturday 26 April 2025
In the city centre, there will be a free market with all kinds of stalls with something for every...
Oranjecomite de Rips
Oranjecomite de Rips
Saturday 26 April 2025
On April 27, the Orange Committee de Rips will again organize the traditional King's Day with var...
De Rips