
What is happening today or soon in Gemert-Bakel? On this page you can see the calendar. Check out today's events, this weekend's events or later when you are in our beautiful municipality!
1 to 24 of 94 results
Dansmiddagen voor Senioren vanaf 50 Plus
Dansmiddagen voor Senioren vanaf 50 Plusuntil 30 December
Weekly fun dance afternoons for seniors 50 plus with DJ at Dientje in Gemert. No entrance fee, pl...
Gemert -
Markt in Bakel
Markt in Bakelweekly
Every Tuesday morning market in the center of Bakel, St. Wilbertsplein from 09.00 am to 13.00 pm....
Bakel -
Gnome Forest Bakel
Gnome Forest Bakeluntil 31 December
a public park where everyone, young and old, has a reason to go. A new surprise around every bend...
Bakel -
Buskens burgerlijke vrijdag
Buskens burgerlijke vrijdagFriday 14 March
Every 2nd Friday of the month after dinner 'n nice music. March 14 will be the Buskens' Civil F...
Gemert -
Game night in de Bunker
Game night in de BunkerFriday 14 March
There will be another game night at the Bunker in Gemert on 14 March
Gemert -
Rondleiding historisch centrum Gemert
Rondleiding historisch centrum Gemertuntil 13 December
A tour of the historic centre of Gemert Forest will be provided by VVV guides.
Gemert -
Vlooienmarkt in de Rips.
Vlooienmarkt in de Rips.Sunday 16 March
De Rips -
Gemertse liederentafel
Gemertse liederentafelMonday 17 March
On March 17 there will be another Gemert song table at cafe den Engelenburcht in Gemert. Musical...
Gemert -
Markt in Hartje Gemert.
Markt in Hartje Gemert.weekly
Note: Due to the Corona measures, the market is temporarily in Knight Square! Every Monday from 1...
Gemert -
O.N.K. Motocross Gemert MAC St.Christoffel.
O.N.K. Motocross Gemert MAC St.Christoffel.Saturday 22 March
Gemert -
Workshop duurzame schoonmaakmiddelen
Workshop duurzame schoonmaakmiddelenSaturday 22 March
On 22 march, Heerlijck Hopveld is organising a sustainable cleaning products workshop olv Maartje...
Gemert -
Openstelling park Kasteel Gemert.
Openstelling park Kasteel Gemert.until 28 December
The park of Gemert Castle is open to the public on several days in 2025
Gemert -
Rondleiding kasteel Gemert
Rondleiding kasteel Gemert5 April, 3 May and 7 more days
Discover Castle Gemert with VVV Gemert-Bakel's guides. Learn more about this unique cultural heri...
Gemert -
Gimmerts Dikteej
Gimmerts DikteejThursday 10 April
Gemert -
Optrekdag St. Jorisgilde Gemert
Optrekdag St. Jorisgilde GemertSaturday 12 April
On April 20, the St. Joris Guild Gemert's parade day.
Gemert -
Pasen in het Boerenbondsmuseum
Pasen in het Boerenbondsmuseum20 and 21 April
Spring is in full swing at the Boerenbondsmuseum! Enjoy young animals that are eager to go outsid...
Gemert -
Historical parade Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Historical parade Boerenbondsmuseum GemertMonday 21 April
Discover an overview of life in a Brabant village from 1900 to 1940. Traditions are shown and all...
Gemert -
Jaarlijkse motorzegening MC Laurentia Milheeze.
Jaarlijkse motorzegening MC Laurentia Milheeze.Monday 21 April
Milheeze -
Koningsnacht op 't Ridderplein
Koningsnacht op 't RidderpleinFriday 25 April
On 25 April, King's Night at 't Ridderplein will be organised by cafe Gij&Ik.
Gemert -
Koningsdag Gemert
Koningsdag GemertSaturday 26 April
In the city centre, there will be a free market with all kinds of stalls with something for every...
Gemert -
Oranjecomite de Rips
Oranjecomite de RipsSaturday 26 April
On April 27, the Orange Committee de Rips will again organize the traditional King's Day with var...
De Rips -
Koningsdag in Milheeze
Koningsdag in MilheezeSaturday 26 April
On April 26, Milheeze will again be full of activities surrounding King's Day.
Milheeze -
Day with old crafts
Day with old craftsSunday 27 April
On 27 april discover old crafts and meet villagers at the Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Gemert -
Derde divisie amateurvoetbal Gemert tegen Kloetinge
Derde divisie amateurvoetbal Gemert tegen KloetingeSaturday 3 May
On January 27, soccer club Gemert plays against Kloetinge in the third division amateur soccer at...
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