
What is happening today or soon in Gemert-Bakel? On this page you can see the calendar. Check out today's events, this weekend's events or later when you are in our beautiful municipality!
25 to 48 of 94 results
Lentetocht WSV Zuth
Lentetocht WSV Zuth3 and 4 May
On 4 and 5 May, Wandelsportvereniging Zuth is organising a two-day spring walk with various hikin...
Gemert -
Chauffeursdag De Peeltruckers Milheeze.
Chauffeursdag De Peeltruckers Milheeze.Sunday 4 May
On 5 May, the Peeltruckers Milheeze at van Kessel in Milheeze will again organise the drivers' da...
Milheeze -
Rondleiding Latijnse school
Rondleiding Latijnse school10 May, 19 July
On May 10 en july 19 a tour by guides from the tourist office in the Latin school of Gemert.
Gemert -
Derde divisie amateurvoetbal Gemert tegen Hoek
Derde divisie amateurvoetbal Gemert tegen HoekSaturday 10 May
On November 18, Gemert plays against Hoek in the third division amateur soccer at sportpark Molen...
Gemert -
Rondleiding St. Jan kerk en gewelven Gemert
Rondleiding St. Jan kerk en gewelven Gemert17 May, 21 June and 2 more days
In the church of St. Jan in Gemert, the VVV organizes a guided tour through the church and over t...
Gemert -
Market around the village pump
Market around the village pumpSunday 18 May
On Sunday 18 May come to the fair in the Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Gemert -
Kermis bij Gij en Ik en Buskens Gemert
Kermis bij Gij en Ik en Buskens Gemert28 May until 1 June
From 28 to 31 May and 1 june it is fair at cafe Gij en Ik and Buskens Gemert . Various activitie...
Gemert -
RoofvogelshowThursday 29 May
On Ascension Day, a visit by the falconer to the Farmers' Union Museum.
Gemert -
Hemelvaartprocessie naar Handel
Hemelvaartprocessie naar HandelThursday 29 May
The Ascension Procession to Handel organised by the Our Lady brotherhood will be held again on 29...
Gemert -
Meifeesten at Gemert
Meifeesten at Gemert29 May until 1 June
The fair will be big again this year! There is a variety of amusement rides to be found, such as...
Gemert -
Middag voor ouderen Meifeesten
Middag voor ouderen MeifeestenSaturday 31 May
Seniors association KBO Gemert organizes an afternoon for the elderly during the May festivities...
Gemert -
WoetstokSaturday 31 May
Gemert -
Rondleiding De Mortel incl.kerk
Rondleiding De Mortel incl.kerkSaturday 31 May
Am 31.Mai eine Fuhrung durch Fuhrer des Tourismusburos in der Kirche von de Mortel.
Gemert -
The Day of the Horse
The Day of the HorseSunday 1 June
The Day of the horse Discover how indispensable horses were in farm life in the early 1900s duri...
Gemert -
Avondwandel4daagse Gemert.
Avondwandel4daagse Gemert.3 until 6 June
From 3 to 6 June, the Avondwandel4daagse Gemert will again be organised by Wandelsportvereniging...
Gemert -
COw milking championship
COw milking championshipSunday 8 June
Cow milking championship Around 1900, cow milking was done manually. It required care and rhythm...
Gemert -
Dag van het Kasteel
Dag van het KasteelMonday 9 June
On June 9 during the Day of the Castle also at Gemert Castle guided tours
Gemert-Bakel -
Gala stoet Commanderij College Examenfeest
Gala stoet Commanderij College ExamenfeestTuesday 10 June
Gemert -
De Haag op Stelten Vrije markt - Gemert
De Haag op Stelten Vrije markt - GemertSunday 15 June
Gemert -
Danslokaal in de Eendracht.
Danslokaal in de Eendracht.21 and 22 June
Kunstlokaal is hosting Dance Class on June 22 and 23 at culture house de Eendracht.
Gemert -
Handelse processie
Handelse processie21 and 22 June
On 21 and 22 June is again the annual pilgrimage from Valkenswaard to Handel. Known as Handel pro...
Handel -
Volendam of the South
Volendam of the SouthSunday 22 June
Volendam van het Zuiden Come to the music festival 'Volendam of the South' in the Boerenbondsmus...
Gemert -
Mortel Kermis
Mortel Kermis27 until 30 June
Mortel Fair from June 27,28,29,30 on the village square in Mortel. Program will follow in due co...
De Mortel -
Autozegening Elsendorp
Autozegening ElsendorpSunday 29 June
On June 29 at 11 a.m. after the celebration at the church of St. Christoffel in Elsendorp, the tr...