Art and Culture

Arts and culture in Gemert-Bakel
Gemert-Bakel has a rich cultural past. It is an active municipality in the field of art and culture. Art market and Open Atelierroute attract many visitors to Gemert every year. Several museums tell the most beautiful stories from the region's past. Collections of old and new art are on display. Galleries often hold open houses and an overview of recent exhibitions can be found in the agenda.
Museums, Exhibitions and Ateliers
Mr. Repro | Gemert
Mr. Repro | GemertPrinting, printing and copying for businesses and individuals.
Gemert -
Helling in de Scheiweg | Gemert
Helling in de Scheiweg | GemertIf you look from west to east across the Scheiweg, you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
Gemert -
HLB Van Daal Adviseurs en Accountants | Gemert
HLB Van Daal Adviseurs en Accountants | GemertHLB Van Daal Advisors and Accountants for entrepreneurs who look ahead.
Mr. Repro | Gemert
Mr. Repro | GemertPrinting, printing and copying for businesses and individuals.
Gemert -
Helling in de Scheiweg | Gemert
Helling in de Scheiweg | GemertIf you look from west to east across the Scheiweg, you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
Gemert -
HLB Van Daal Adviseurs en Accountants | Gemert
HLB Van Daal Adviseurs en Accountants | GemertHLB Van Daal Advisors and Accountants for entrepreneurs who look ahead.
Gemert -
Country Estate Nederheide
Country Estate NederheideCountry Estate Nederheide is located in nature reserve The Brabant Peel near the village of Milhe...
Milheeze -
MFA Het Parochiehuis | Bakel
MFA Het Parochiehuis | BakelThe Parish House: contemporary theater, meeting and conference center for everyone, for all occas...
Bakel -
Kampeerboerderij / Minicamping De Kastanjes | Elsendorp
Kampeerboerderij / Minicamping De Kastanjes | ElsendorpKampeerboerderij / Minicamping De Kastanjes is located in Elsendorp in Brabant. De Kastanjes cons...
Elsendorp -
Middeleeuwse waterput
Middeleeuwse waterputThis log water well from the early 13th century is of a type already in use in prehistoric times.
Gemert -
Boerderij: De Sijp, Elsendorp
Boerderij: De Sijp, ElsendorpFrom this house, the reclamation of the De Sijp estate was regulated. Indeed, this estate was par...
Elsendorp -
Koks Gemert
Koks GemertAt this hospitality venue, hospitality, quality and conviviality come together. Come here for lun...
Gemert -
Archeologische opgraving: Hooghuis, Gemert
Archeologische opgraving: Hooghuis, GemertHooghuis is Gemert's oldest known castle. It was the property of the Lords of Gemert, who owned t...
Gemert -
Kloosterkasteel Gemert
Kloosterkasteel GemertNobleman Rutger van Gemert (ca. 1150 - ca. 1220) became a knight of the Teutonic Order during his...
Gemert -
De voormalige hoeve Grotel
De voormalige hoeve GrotelFor centuries, the Grotel farmstead of the Teutonic Order stood on this site.
Bakel -
Bolle Akkers, Bakel
Bolle Akkers, BakelThese bulging bare fields are the result of centuries of peat and manure being raised by poor Pee...
Bakel -
De Bosparel - Bakel
De Bosparel - BakelDe Bosparel is in a unique location by the water. The restaurant has a cosy and stylish interior....
Bakel -
Manders Automatisering en Advies | Gemert
Manders Automatisering en Advies | GemertYou are welcome at Manders Automatisering & Advies Gemert. MAA's motto is good information and ho...
Gemert -
Vergaderen in het groen
Vergaderen in het groenIn the former hayloft of our over 110-year-old Brabant long-fronted farmhouse, we offer an atmosp...
Bakel -
MFA De Sprank | De Mortel
MFA De Sprank | De MortelMFA De Mortel is providing space for all Mortel associations.
De Mortel -
Kapel Mariakapel | Milheeze
Kapel Mariakapel | MilheezeSizeable field chapel built in 1938, to mark the 40th anniversary of J.P. Simonis' priesthood and...
Milheeze -
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | GemertIn 1848, the Franciscan Sisters Penitents-Recollectines came to Gemert to establish a convent and...
Gemert -
Keskesdijk | Handel
Keskesdijk | HandelPilgrimage route en route to the medieval Marian pilgrimage site of Handel. There are seven keske...
Handel -
Buskens Gastrobar
Buskens GastrobarThe old official residence of Mayor Buskens has been transformed into Gemert's meeting place. Thi...
Gemert -
Grenspaal Middelpaal
Grenspaal MiddelpaalBoundary post between Gemert and Bakel with the oldest mention in 1669 and which from 1818 was ca...
Elsendorp -
Ter Watermolen | Gemert
Ter Watermolen | GemertThe property Ter Watermolen was a medieval farmstead owned by the Commanderij Gemert.
Gemert -
Staatsbosbeheer Bekenwandeling 9 km
Staatsbosbeheer Bekenwandeling 9 kmThe Bekenwandeling starts from the parking lot Grotel's Genieten in Bakel. The route is 9 kilomet...
Bakel -
Natural pool Nederheide
Natural pool NederheideYou can find natural pool Nederheide in the middle of the forest, located in the beautiful nature...
Milheeze -
Processiepark | Handel
Processiepark | HandelThis beautiful Procession Park is a National Monument belonging to the centuries-old Marian worsh...
Handel -
De Tolbrug
De TolbrugThis long-gabled farmhouse stands on the spot where toll was formerly levied for the use of the b...
Bakel -
Natuurgebied Landgoed Cleefswit | Elsendorp
Natuurgebied Landgoed Cleefswit | ElsendorpCleefswit is one of the older examples of large-scale reclamation of wasteland in the late 19th,...
Elsendorp -
Horseback riding at De Stap
Horseback riding at De StapRiding school De Stap is a place where hospitality and care for animals and each other are the ma...
De Mortel
Theatre en Film
Mr. Repro | Gemert
Mr. Repro | GemertPrinting, printing and copying for businesses and individuals.
Gemert -
Helling in de Scheiweg | Gemert
Helling in de Scheiweg | GemertIf you look from west to east across the Scheiweg, you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
Gemert -
HLB Van Daal Adviseurs en Accountants | Gemert
HLB Van Daal Adviseurs en Accountants | GemertHLB Van Daal Advisors and Accountants for entrepreneurs who look ahead.
Gemert -
Country Estate Nederheide
Country Estate NederheideCountry Estate Nederheide is located in nature reserve The Brabant Peel near the village of Milhe...
Milheeze -
MFA Het Parochiehuis | Bakel
MFA Het Parochiehuis | BakelThe Parish House: contemporary theater, meeting and conference center for everyone, for all occas...
Bakel -
Kampeerboerderij / Minicamping De Kastanjes | Elsendorp
Kampeerboerderij / Minicamping De Kastanjes | ElsendorpKampeerboerderij / Minicamping De Kastanjes is located in Elsendorp in Brabant. De Kastanjes cons...
Elsendorp -
Middeleeuwse waterput
Middeleeuwse waterputThis log water well from the early 13th century is of a type already in use in prehistoric times.
Gemert -
Boerderij: De Sijp, Elsendorp
Boerderij: De Sijp, ElsendorpFrom this house, the reclamation of the De Sijp estate was regulated. Indeed, this estate was par...
Elsendorp -
Koks Gemert
Koks GemertAt this hospitality venue, hospitality, quality and conviviality come together. Come here for lun...
Gemert -
Archeologische opgraving: Hooghuis, Gemert
Archeologische opgraving: Hooghuis, GemertHooghuis is Gemert's oldest known castle. It was the property of the Lords of Gemert, who owned t...
Gemert -
Kloosterkasteel Gemert
Kloosterkasteel GemertNobleman Rutger van Gemert (ca. 1150 - ca. 1220) became a knight of the Teutonic Order during his...
Gemert -
De voormalige hoeve Grotel
De voormalige hoeve GrotelFor centuries, the Grotel farmstead of the Teutonic Order stood on this site.
Bakel -
Bolle Akkers, Bakel
Bolle Akkers, BakelThese bulging bare fields are the result of centuries of peat and manure being raised by poor Pee...
Bakel -
De Bosparel - Bakel
De Bosparel - BakelDe Bosparel is in a unique location by the water. The restaurant has a cosy and stylish interior....
Bakel -
Manders Automatisering en Advies | Gemert
Manders Automatisering en Advies | GemertYou are welcome at Manders Automatisering & Advies Gemert. MAA's motto is good information and ho...
Gemert -
Vergaderen in het groen
Vergaderen in het groenIn the former hayloft of our over 110-year-old Brabant long-fronted farmhouse, we offer an atmosp...
Bakel -
MFA De Sprank | De Mortel
MFA De Sprank | De MortelMFA De Mortel is providing space for all Mortel associations.
De Mortel -
Kapel Mariakapel | Milheeze
Kapel Mariakapel | MilheezeSizeable field chapel built in 1938, to mark the 40th anniversary of J.P. Simonis' priesthood and...
Milheeze -
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | GemertIn 1848, the Franciscan Sisters Penitents-Recollectines came to Gemert to establish a convent and...
Gemert -
Keskesdijk | Handel
Keskesdijk | HandelPilgrimage route en route to the medieval Marian pilgrimage site of Handel. There are seven keske...
Handel -
Buskens Gastrobar
Buskens GastrobarThe old official residence of Mayor Buskens has been transformed into Gemert's meeting place. Thi...
Gemert -
Grenspaal Middelpaal
Grenspaal MiddelpaalBoundary post between Gemert and Bakel with the oldest mention in 1669 and which from 1818 was ca...
Elsendorp -
Ter Watermolen | Gemert
Ter Watermolen | GemertThe property Ter Watermolen was a medieval farmstead owned by the Commanderij Gemert.
Gemert -
Staatsbosbeheer Bekenwandeling 9 km
Staatsbosbeheer Bekenwandeling 9 kmThe Bekenwandeling starts from the parking lot Grotel's Genieten in Bakel. The route is 9 kilomet...
Bakel -
Natural pool Nederheide
Natural pool NederheideYou can find natural pool Nederheide in the middle of the forest, located in the beautiful nature...
Milheeze -
Processiepark | Handel
Processiepark | HandelThis beautiful Procession Park is a National Monument belonging to the centuries-old Marian worsh...
Handel -
De Tolbrug
De TolbrugThis long-gabled farmhouse stands on the spot where toll was formerly levied for the use of the b...
Bakel -
Natuurgebied Landgoed Cleefswit | Elsendorp
Natuurgebied Landgoed Cleefswit | ElsendorpCleefswit is one of the older examples of large-scale reclamation of wasteland in the late 19th,...
Elsendorp -
Horseback riding at De Stap
Horseback riding at De StapRiding school De Stap is a place where hospitality and care for animals and each other are the ma...
De Mortel
Sights and Monuments
Mr. Repro | Gemert
Mr. Repro | GemertPrinting, printing and copying for businesses and individuals.
Gemert -
Helling in de Scheiweg | Gemert
Helling in de Scheiweg | GemertIf you look from west to east across the Scheiweg, you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
Gemert -
HLB Van Daal Adviseurs en Accountants | Gemert
HLB Van Daal Adviseurs en Accountants | GemertHLB Van Daal Advisors and Accountants for entrepreneurs who look ahead.
The history of the villages
Read more about the history of the villages in Gemert-Bakel.
The history of the villages