Cycling in Death Valley Asten-De Peel
It recalls the fierce air and ground war in De Peel between 1940 - 1945. After Normandy, De Peel was one of the regions where the heaviest fighting took place.
The term Death Valley De Peel comes from pilots and refers to the large number of planes that crashed in De Peel. The British war writer Patrick Delaforce also mentioned De Peel in his book, The Black Bull, The valley of death.
The indicated cycle routes lead past events that took place in the 2nd World War. To cycle the routes, follow the indicated nodes. For the exact location of some events you have to deviate from the junction route. These are indicated on the map with a dotted line. Many planes crashed in De Peel. The location of these crashes is indicated with a small airplane.
Also in…
It recalls the fierce air and ground war in De Peel between 1940 - 1945. After Normandy, De Peel was one of the regions where the heaviest fighting took place.
The term Death Valley De Peel comes from pilots and refers to the large number of planes that crashed in De Peel. The British war writer Patrick Delaforce also mentioned De Peel in his book, The Black Bull, The valley of death.
The indicated cycle routes lead past events that took place in the 2nd World War. To cycle the routes, follow the indicated nodes. For the exact location of some events you have to deviate from the junction route. These are indicated on the map with a dotted line. Many planes crashed in De Peel. The location of these crashes is indicated with a small airplane.
Also in Asten are 4 Death Valley cycling routes, which run along the most memorable places from the Second World War.
Under the button: View Routefolder you will find an overview map of these 4 Astense cycling routes.
We recommend that you collect the extensive free Death Valley cycle route booklet with detailed route information from Museum Klok & Peel, VVV Asten, VVV Deurne, VVV Gemert-Bakel, VVV Helmond and Tourist Information Point Someren.
Sights on this route
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, BluijssensbroekdijkBluijssens Broekdijk
5721 RN Asten

Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
Bluijssens Broekdijk
5721 RN Asten
Oorlogsmonument (War Memorial)
VVV AstenBurg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten

Oorlogsmonument (War Memorial)
Oorlogsmonument (War Memorial)
VVV Asten
Burg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten
De Gevallen Mens (The Fallen Human)
VVV AstenBurg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten

De Gevallen Mens (The Fallen Human)
De Gevallen Mens (The Fallen Human)
VVV Asten
Burg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten
The cross in 'Niemandsland' (No Man's Land)
VVV AstenBurg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten

The cross in 'Niemandsland' (No Man's Land)
The cross in 'Niemandsland' (No Man's Land)
VVV Asten
Burg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten
Wehrmacht house Asten-Heusden
VVV AstenBurg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten-Heusden

Wehrmacht house Asten-Heusden
Wehrmacht house Asten-Heusden
VVV Asten
Burg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten-Heusden
Oorlogsmonument Ommel (War Memorial)
VVV AstenBurg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten

Oorlogsmonument Ommel (War Memorial)
Oorlogsmonument Ommel (War Memorial)
VVV Asten
Burg Wijnenstraat 1
5721 AG Asten
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, BluijssensbroekdijkBluijssens Broekdijk
5721 RN Asten

Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
Bluijssens Broekdijk
5721 RN Asten
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