Strabrechtse Heide cycling route from Someren
The Strabrechtse Heide cycle route is 30 km long. A beautiful route that introduces you to the Strabrechtse Heide and its surroundings. Customized Itinerary; From the Wilhelminaplein starting point in the center of Someren you cycle towards junction 40 - 91 - 20 - 87 - 63 - 62 - 61 - 12 - 88 - 96 - 95 - 40 towards 99 and at Speelheuvelplein you go towards the center and come back at the starting point Wilhelminaplein. The free brochure of this Strabrechtse Heide cycle route with a map and description of all objects is available at the Tourist Information Point, De Meer 21a Someren.
Sights on this route
Starting point
Toeristisch Informatiepunt
De Meer 21a
5711XC Someren
Navigate to starting point
Boscafé van Moorsel Groupaccommodation and Woodcafe and B&B
Boscafé van MoorselMoorsel 1
5715 PX Lierop

Boscafé van Moorsel Groupaccommodation and Woodcafe and B&B
Boscafé van Moorsel Groupaccommodation and Woodcafe and B&B
Boscafé van Moorsel
Moorsel 1
5715 PX Lierop
Hiding camp in the hamlet of Moorsel in Lierop
Moorsel5715 PX Lierop

Hiding camp in the hamlet of Moorsel in Lierop
Hiding camp in the hamlet of Moorsel in Lierop
5715 PX Lierop
- 42
- 41
- 40
- 91
- 20
- 87
- 63
- 62
- 61
- 12
- 88
- 85
- 95
- 96
- 40
- 41
- 42