Gemert Vorstendom

rt Principality

Gemert is a quirky castle village where there is always something to do. The ideal stopping place for a long or short stay. Located in the Land of de Peel and the Brainport region. Less than half an hour's drive from most of the surrounding villages and cities.

Quirky castle village

For centuries, Gemert was an independent free state, a principality where a powerful European order of knights set the rules along with land lords and local nobility. As a result, Gemert is not a standard Brabant village with good citizens. But a unique destination with idiosyncratic people who think something of everything. And who ensure that residents, entrepreneurs, passers-by and tourists still have something to do here!

After all, once in Gemert, you always discover something new.
Historic trade routes, paths, corridors and herb gardens of which you will find nowhere as many as here. An extensive range of stores and cozy catering square overlooking an imposing castle right in the center heart.
Numerous monuments. The popular Boerenbond Museum, village campground and Butterfly Garden within walking distance of the center heart.
Local and international heroes such as the monarchs, knight Rutger, the holy ransom but also the many artists and "famous Gemerters" for whom Gemert is still a home.

Here you are not just

Gemert has a unique and rich past that is reflected in the streetscape and the way the people interact with each other in this unique and quirky part of the Netherlands. In Gemert people still work hard, party hard and live well together. Here there is still room for new knowledge and ideas, you can still do what you believe in. In Gemert you feel welcome. And in Gemert you're not just there.

Watch the video!

Art Market Gemert

The art fair on Aug. 15, 2021, will unfortunately not take place. The new date is Aug. 21, 2022.

VVV Heerlijck Vrij Gemert-Bakel has developed an art route map in cooperation with Stichting Gemert- Bakel Toerisme en Recreatie and Stichting Gidsengilde Gemert-Bakel. This map contains works of art in the public spaces of the municipality of Gemert-Bakel.
It also includes a brief history of the seven cores. In addition, you will find an overview of the works of art in public spaces with a brief description. The art route map is available at VVV Gemert-Bakel.

MAC St.Christopher

The MAC St.Christoffel in Gemert is known for organizing large international motocross competitions for the (semi-)professional riders in which also several world champions have been at the start.


The Heerlijckheid Gemert-Bakel consists of 7 Church villages. Gemert, Bakel, De Mortel, Handel, Elsendorp, De Rips and Milheeze. Each village has its own rich history. Each village here is unique. Click here for a short introductory film about Gemert-Bakel:'Kom ook naar Gemert-Bakel'. It is definitely worthwhile to come and visit the church villages. For a day out, a weekend trip or an overnight stay in nature. In Gemert-Bakel there is plenty for adults and children to see, do and experience.


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