Food and drinks in Helmond

Would you like to eat out in a star restaurant or a café? In Helmond you will find a wide variety of restaurants.

Take away or delivery

Have a nice dinner at home? At a various restaurants and eateries in Helmond you can order a delicious dish for take away or delivery at  home. A dinner with fish, Italian or Greek? Fun, tasty and easy. And of course everything according to the guidelines of the RIVM. Enjoy your meal!

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Helmond Eet Lokaal

Restaurants in Helmond - You can eat good food here

Enjoy culinary delights in a star restaurant or simply a cozy dinner in an eatery. Helmond offers a wide variety of restaurants. From eatery to luxury restaurant. From Greek restaurant to Dutch cuisine, from Sushi to Italian restaurant. Eat tapas or vegetarian. Experience Burgundian Brabant and come and taste it in Helmond.

What are you looking for?


25 to 33 of 33 results

  • Mazurska-Pools restaurant

    Mazurska-Pools restaurant

    Traditional Polish dishes and Mazurian cuisine delights. Will you come and try them?

  • Hotel Restaurant St. Lambert

    Hotel Restaurant St. Lambert
  • De Pastoor eat & drink

    De Pastoor eat & drink

    Here you can have lunch or dinner. Also for delivering sandwiches and salads to your business. Si...

  • De Cacaofabriek

    De Cacaofabriek The Cacaofabriek Helmond

    Do you have a penchant for culture? Then you can't ignore De Cacaofabriek in Helmond! Good movies...

  • Belcapo


    Eat, experience, and enjoy. Immerse yourself in the tradition of Italian cuisine. Belcapo takes y...

  • Warande park restaurant

    Warande park restaurant

    Warande Park Restaurant is situated in one of the most beautiful spots in Helmond. In the summer,...

  • 't Zusje Helmond

    't Zusje Helmond
  • Grand Brasserie Rubenshof

    Grand Brasserie Rubenshof

    Grand Brasserie Rubenshof is a charming à la carte restaurant located across from the castle gard...

  • Más Braseria

    Más Braseria

    In addition to a drink in a cozy atmosphere, you can enjoy our pintxos buffet or dishes from the...
