Food and drinks in Helmond

Would you like to eat out in a star restaurant or a café? In Helmond you will find a wide variety of restaurants.

Take away or delivery

Have a nice dinner at home? At a various restaurants and eateries in Helmond you can order a delicious dish for take away or delivery at  home. A dinner with fish, Italian or Greek? Fun, tasty and easy. And of course everything according to the guidelines of the RIVM. Enjoy your meal!

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Helmond Eet Lokaal

Restaurants in Helmond - You can eat good food here

Enjoy culinary delights in a star restaurant or simply a cozy dinner in an eatery. Helmond offers a wide variety of restaurants. From eatery to luxury restaurant. From Greek restaurant to Dutch cuisine, from Sushi to Italian restaurant. Eat tapas or vegetarian. Experience Burgundian Brabant and come and taste it in Helmond.

What are you looking for?


49 to 58 of 58 results

  • Mostar-Grill


    Discover our delicious Balkan specialties such as fish, grill, and steak dishes.

  • Il Borgo

    Il Borgo

    The tastiest Italian lunch dishes, cappuccino and Italian ice cream.

  • Ice cream parlor Il Circo

    Ice cream parlor Il Circo

    Are you also looking forward to delicious ice cream in your favorite flavors? In a cozy place, wh...

  • Lokaal42


    Besides performances, DJs, and exhibitions, Lokaal42 is also a great place to enjoy drinks, meet...

  • Brasserie Cacaofabriek

    Brasserie Cacaofabriek

    Before or after the movie, concert, or your visit to an exhibition, you can grab a bite to eat or...

  • Café Bar D’n Brouwer

    Café Bar D’n Brouwer
  • Jamin


    So many goodies of such good quality.

  • Cafetaria Brandevoort

    Cafetaria Brandevoort

    At Cafetaria Brandevoort, you have a wide selection of freshly cut fries, snacks, hamburgers, sal...

  • Stadsbrouwerij De Deftige Aap

    Stadsbrouwerij De Deftige Aap Picture owners De Deftige Aap

    In Helmond's oldest building, dating from 1550, you are welcome seven days a week for lunch, dinn...

  • Döner King Helmond

    Döner King Helmond