in Laarbeek
Laarbeek has a lot to offer musically. Beek en Donk is known worldwide for the festival WISH Outdoor! But the musical performances by well-known singers in the Open Air Theatre in Mariahout should not be missed either. Laarbeek also has various chapels, singing groups, choirs and harmonies. Each core has its own brass band, but each core also has one or more choirs. These choirs consist of seniors, women, men or mixed. Curious about what music there is to do in Laarbeek?
Seniorenkoor Vogelenzang Lieshout
Seniorenkoor Vogelenzang LieshoutThe repertoire is profane. The choir has 35 members.
Lieshout -
Beek en Donks Mixed Choir
Beek en Donks Mixed ChoirBeek and Donks Mixed Choir founded on 1 October 1950. By Wim v.d Elsen, Jan Leenders, Jan Meijer....
Beek en Donk -
Openluchttheater Mariahout
Openluchttheater MariahoutFor 75 years now, the Open Air Theatre has been hosting a variety of performances.
Mariahout -
Vocaal Ensemble 'Korale'
Vocaal Ensemble 'Korale'Vocal Ensemble Korale grew out of the youth choir Don Capé and Kalliope.
Lieshout -
Muziekvereniging De Ouwe Hap
Muziekvereniging De Ouwe HapThe repertoire is varied. Conviviality and musicality are of paramount importance.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Wish Outdoor
Wish OutdoorThe cross-over weekend festival of the year: WiSH Outdoor 2022!
Beek en Donk -
Zanggroep Kalliope
Zanggroep KalliopeSinging group Kalliope started in 1983 in Beek en Donk and has been led by Giel Jacobs for its en...
Beek en Donk -
Seniorenkoor Sint Joachim
Seniorenkoor Sint JoachimSeniors' choir Sint Joachim has been around for over 50 years.
Beek en Donk -
Harmonie De Goede Hoop Aarle-Rixtel
Harmonie De Goede Hoop Aarle-RixtelThe club spirit is of paramount importance at Harmonie De Goede Hoop.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Coöperatieve Stoomafblaaskapel
Coöperatieve StoomafblaaskapelOver the years, the band has given many concerts at home and abroad and performs regularly in old...
Beek en Donk -
OverdagEnsemble Laarbeek ODE
OverdagEnsemble Laarbeek ODEODE is an orchestra for people who no longer work.
Beek en Donk -
Kinderkoor KiKo
Kinderkoor KiKoKinderkoor Kiko Laarbeek is voor kinderen van 6 tot 18 jaar.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje
Liedertafel 't NachtpitjeThe current Liedertafel in Beek en Donk was founded in 1992. They sing every last Friday of the m...
Beek en Donk -
Harmonie St Caecilia Lieshout/Mariahout
Harmonie St Caecilia Lieshout/MariahoutHarmonie st Caecilia has its 150th anniversary in sight.
Lieshout -
Muziekmakerij De Biks-Bent
Muziekmakerij De Biks-BentMusic-making De Biks Bent plays popular repertoire that is easy on the ears, but some heavier num...
Beek en Donk -
Ganzegatse hofkapel
Ganzegatse hofkapelThe Goez Hool Band from Aarle-Rixtel started in 1980 as Ganzegats Hofkapel and can still be found...
Aarle-Rixtel -
Muziekkapel Stoudt
Muziekkapel StoudtStoudt is the most modern, sociable and youngest chapel in Beek en Donk.
Beek en Donk -
Bag On Wheels
Bag On WheelsA unique eight-piece, energetic live band with fat covers and original medleys.
Beek en Donk -
Jan Vlemmings guitar teacher
Jan Vlemmings guitar teacherLearn to play guitar quickly and well with Jan Vlemmings guitar teacher.
Beek en Donk -
Muziekvereniging Muzikale
Muziekvereniging MuzikaleLed by a conductor, Muzikale plays all songs from sheet music.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Mixed choir Marcanto
Mixed choir MarcantoMixed a-capella choir Marcanto from Mariahout was founded in 1995 by Albert van den Bogaard senior.
Mariahout -
Stichting Muziekopleidingen O&U
Stichting Muziekopleidingen O&UThe Music Education Foundation O&U offers all boys and girls from Beek and Donk the opportuni...
Beek en Donk -
Seniorenorkest St Caecilia
Seniorenorkest St CaeciliaThe aim of the senior orchestra was to continue making music in old age for as long as possible.
Lieshout -
Folkloregroep Dikkemik
Folkloregroep DikkemikVarious activities are provided by Folklore Group Dikkemik.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk
Harmonie O&U Beek en DonkHarmonie Oefening en Uitspanning with a student orchestra, the youth orchestra and a percussion g...
Beek en Donk
O&U over the top
O&U over the topFriday 28 February
Harmony O&U goes over the top with its carnival concert.
Beek en Donk -
Guitar Coffee Concert
Guitar Coffee ConcertSunday 9 February
Glenn de Roo gives a guitar coffee concert in ‘t Oude Raadhuis.
Beek en Donk -
Piep Boem Knor Wind Band Festival
Piep Boem Knor Wind Band FestivalTuesday 4 March
A Wind Band Festival in the Luuk tent on the Heuvelplein.
Beek en Donk -
Smoldering Peat
Smoldering PeatSaturday 22 February
Smoldering Peat is a cover band from the Deurne region this place is close to the peel area hence...
Lieshout -
Bende van Beuving
Bende van BeuvingSaturday 19 April
Ernest Beuving sings and seeks Cohen.
Lieshout -
Sing-along evening Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje
Sing-along evening Liedertafel 't NachtpitjeThursday 30 January
Singing along with the Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje in café Thuis.
Beek en Donk