What to do - in Waterpoort van de Peel

What can you do in Laarbeek today? On this page you can view the events calendar of Laarbeek. Laarbeek also has many annually recurring events such as WISH Outdoor, Kunstroute Laarbeek and the Peelland Mills Day. Check out today's events, this weekend's events and much more!


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18 results

  • Carnival evening Entrepreneurs' Association Four

    Carnival evening Entrepreneurs' Association Four Carnival evening Entrepreneurs' Association Four Beek en Donk

    Wednesday 26 February

    Entrepreneurs' Association Vier will hold a Carnival Evening in the Luukse Tent.

    Beek en Donk
  • Auwfiepenbal

    Auwfiepenbal Auwfiepenbal Aarle-Rixtel

    Thursday 27 February

    The Auwfiepenbal will take place at Jantine's De Kantine, in cooperation with the Ganzegat Carniv...

  • Pink Friday

    Pink Friday Pink Friday Aarle-Rixtel

    Friday 28 February

    Jantine's Canteen will kick off the carnival with a Pink Friday. 

  • Programme Carnival ‘t Plein

    Programme Carnival ‘t Plein Programme Carnival ‘t Plein

    28 February until 3 March

    Café Bar & More has quite a programme planned for carnival. 

    Beek en Donk
  • Prom at the Teugelders

    Prom at the Teugelders Prom at the Teugelders Beek en donk

    Friday 28 February

    Ganzendonck is warming up for one of the best carnival parties of the year: the School Ball!

    Beek en Donk
  • House of carnaval SOLD OUT

    House of carnaval SOLD OUT House of carnaval Beek en Donk

    Friday 28 February

    The kick-off of carnival starts at the Teugelders with House of carnival in the Tent on the Heuve...

    Beek en Donk
  • Programme Raopers

    Programme Raopers Programme Raopers Lieshout

    1 until 4 March

    The Lieshout Hospitality Industry is joining hands and celebrating Carnival together at the Raope...

  • Costume ball

    Costume ball Costume ball Aarle-Rixtel

    Saturday 1 March

    Traditionally, the costumed prize ball takes place on Carnival Saturday at residence 'Jantine's c...

  • Royal de Luuks

    Royal de Luuks Royal de Luuks Beek en Donk

    Saturday 1 March

    Various artists during Royal de Luuks in the tent on the Heuvelplein.

    Beek en Donk
  • Youth carnival Ganzegat

    Youth carnival Ganzegat Youth carnival Ganzegat Aarle-Rixtel

    1 until 4 March

    The youth of Ganzegat (Aarle-Rixtel) celebrate carnival in their own Ganzegat hall.

  • Family Day

    Family Day Family Day Aarle-Rixtel

    Sunday 2 March

    A Family Day after the carnival parade at Jantine's Canteen.

  • Carnival night at Jantine's Canteen

    Carnival night at Jantine's Canteen Carnival night at Jantine's Canteen Aarle-Rixtel

    Sunday 2 March

    A legendary cosy carnival night at Jantine's Canteen.

  • Mopping with the tap open

    Mopping with the tap open Mopping with the tap open Aarle-Rixtel

    Monday 3 March

  • Gang of the Night

    Gang of the Night Gang of the Night Aarle-Rixtel

    Monday 3 March

    An evening of glitter kings and bitterball robbers in criminal settings.

  • Luuks going out of your way

    Luuks going out of your way Luuks going out of your way Beek en Donk

    Monday 3 March

    Guus from the Vinylbus spins records during Luuks Uit je plaat gaan.

    Beek en Donk
  • Closing ball

    Closing ball Closing ball

    Tuesday 4 March

    Closing of Carnival 2025 at Jantine's Canteen!

  • Gardist afternoon

    Gardist afternoon Gardist afternoon Lieshout

    Tuesday 4 March

    The Gardists have put together another afternoon programme.

  • Children's matinee

    Children's matinee Children's matinee

    Tuesday 4 March

    CV De Torenkraaien hold a children's matinee at café-zaal van de Burgt.

    Beek en Donk