Wedden dat je lacht

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Dorpshuis Lieshout
Grotenhof 2
5737CB Lieshout
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An evening of fun, laughter and laughter at De Raopers. Dance, singing and comedians will entertain you during the Wedden dat je lacht evening. 

On the first evening, Rien Bekkers, Freddy vd Elzen, DeVeltOp, Boy Janssen, Helga Cornelissen, singer Bas. Alles Kitzz and De Dansmariekes will perform for you. 

On the second night, Iveke van Gerwen, Boy Janssen, DeVeltOp, Berry Knapen, Ton Brekelmans, singer Bas, De Dansmariekes and Alles Kitzz will perform.

Tickets are now available at the DA drugstore and the Jumbo in Lieshout. Should there be any tickets left on the evening itself, they will be available for cash.


  • €17.50
