Eco-toeristfarm de Biezen

We manage our grounds ecologically, ensuring a great biodiversity in plants, trees and shrubs. This in turn ensures a great biodiversity of birds, insects, bees, bumblebees, amphibians, butterflies and small and large mammals. The fruit trees and fruit-bearing shrubs are therefore for the butterflies, birds and mammals.

The flower meadow and flower borders along EVZ De Snelle Loop are sown annually with a mixture tailored for butterflies, bees, meadow birds such as the Partridge and for seed-eating birds during the winter months. Bluegrass meadows naturally grazed by our herd of Dexter cattle, ancient oaks, pools, the Snelle Loop, thickets, dense low vegetation and high vegetation ensure that many birds have their nesting place with us or return annually as regular winter visitors.

From the Golden eagl…

We manage our grounds ecologically, ensuring a great biodiversity in plants, trees and shrubs. This in turn ensures a great biodiversity of birds, insects, bees, bumblebees, amphibians, butterflies and small and large mammals. The fruit trees and fruit-bearing shrubs are therefore for the butterflies, birds and mammals.

The flower meadow and flower borders along EVZ De Snelle Loop are sown annually with a mixture tailored for butterflies, bees, meadow birds such as the Partridge and for seed-eating birds during the winter months. Bluegrass meadows naturally grazed by our herd of Dexter cattle, ancient oaks, pools, the Snelle Loop, thickets, dense low vegetation and high vegetation ensure that many birds have their nesting place with us or return annually as regular winter visitors.

From the Golden eagle, Barn owl, Tawny owl, Long-eared owl and Great-horned owl to the Black-tailed Godwit, Water rail, Partridge, Yellow Wagtail, Bullfinch, Pied and Grey Flycatcher, Blackbird, Kingfishers, Sandpipers, Collared Redstart and the Golden Oriole and Nightingale. And not forgetting the Peregrine Falcon pair, by now known from Beleef de Lente that breeds 1.5 kilometres from us on the Mortel tower and who regularly hunt over our grounds.

In the morning you will be treated to the song of many birds, in the dark you will hear the Tawny Owl calling. Because of the varied planting, there are also many (nocturnal) butterflies to admire on our property, such as the Queen's swallowtail, the Emperor's mantle and the Lesser fox. Tree lovers can enjoy special trees such as the Mimosa, the Handkerchief Tree, Snowdrop Tree, Ginko Biloba, Sequoias and the Pied Tulip Tree.

Our keywords are tranquillity, space, nature experience on a totally ballpark-free campsite.


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