Art Route Gemert-Bakel

Many of these works of art can be enjoyed during a hiking or cycling trip.
VVV Seigniorial Freedom Gemert-Bakel has developed an art route map in cooperation with the Foundation Gemert-Bakel Tourism and Recreation and the Foundation Guide Guild.
The map contains works of art in public places in the municipality of Gemert-Bakel, as well as a brief history of the seven town centers. You will also find an overview of the works of art in public places with a short description.

The art route map is available at VVV Gemert-Bakel for € 1.50

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Kunstroute Gemert-Bakel
Ridderplein 49
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End point:

Kunstroute Gemert-Bakel
Ridderplein 49
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