Wheelchair accessible walking route Asten-West
Start from Museum Klok & Peel:
1. Turn left from Museum Klok & Peel into the Rootweg.
2. Carefully cross Beatrixlaan at the end of Rootweg.
3. Follow the walking path straight ahead.
4. At the end of the walking path, turn left onto the service road, Heesakkerweg.
5. At the end of the service road, turn left into Wilhelminastraat.
6. At the church, go straight ahead to the town hall.
7. Turn left, on Burg. VVV Asten is located at Wijnenstraat 1; here you can find all kinds of information and inspiration about Asten and the Land van de Peel.
Start from VVV Asten:
8. Continue to follow the Burg. Wine Street.
9. At the 5-fork cross diagonally across Molenweg.
10. Cross the end of the road.
11. Beyond the mill; turn left into Hofstraat.
12. Turn right into the Ottenbackstraat.
At the intersec…
Start from Museum Klok & Peel:
1. Turn left from Museum Klok & Peel into the Rootweg.
2. Carefully cross Beatrixlaan at the end of Rootweg.
3. Follow the walking path straight ahead.
4. At the end of the walking path, turn left onto the service road, Heesakkerweg.
5. At the end of the service road, turn left into Wilhelminastraat.
6. At the church, go straight ahead to the town hall.
7. Turn left, on Burg. VVV Asten is located at Wijnenstraat 1; here you can find all kinds of information and inspiration about Asten and the Land van de Peel.
Start from VVV Asten:
8. Continue to follow the Burg. Wine Street.
9. At the 5-fork cross diagonally across Molenweg.
10. Cross the end of the road.
11. Beyond the mill; turn left into Hofstraat.
12. Turn right into the Ottenbackstraat.
At the intersection with the Homboeckstraat you can choose a short route or a long route.
Short route:
13. Turn left at the Homboeckstraat.
14. Turn right at the end of Homboeckstraat, service road.
15. Carefully cross Dijkstraat at the end of the service road.
16. Turn left, follow the cycle path.
17. Take the first road on the right, Kleine Bergdijk.
18. At the intersection, go straight ahead into the Slotweg.
19. At the end of Slotweg, turn right into Ostaderstraat until you reach Museum Klok & Peel.
End short route 3.7 km.
Long route:
13. Go straight ahead into the hiking trail.
14. Follow the hiking trail in the forest until the hiking node (pole with yellow arrows).
15. Turn left here and follow the forest path to a paved cycle path.
16. Turn right here and follow the cycle path to the Reeweg.
17. Turn right here past the Hertenkamp.
18. Take the first road to the left past the Prins Willem Alexander riding school.
19. Turn left past the riding school, into the semi-paved road.
20. Carefully cross Dijkstraat and follow Keizersdijk.
21. At the intersection (shelter) turn left into Nachtegaalweg
. 22. At the T-junction, turn right into Bergdijk.
23. Turn right at the first paved road into the Slotweg.
24. At the end of Slotweg, turn right into Ostaderstraat until you return to the Museum Klok & Peel.
End of long route 5.8 km.
Sights on this route
Jan Paagman Observatory Asten
Jan Paagman Sterrenwacht AstenOstaderstraat 28
5721 WC Asten

Jan Paagman Observatory Asten
Jan Paagman Observatory Asten
Jan Paagman Sterrenwacht Asten
Ostaderstraat 28
5721 WC Asten
Tour of Heilige Maria Presentatie Asten
Rondleiding Heilige Maria Presentatiekerk AstenKerkstraat 2
5721 GV Asten

Tour of Heilige Maria Presentatie Asten
Tour of Heilige Maria Presentatie Asten
Rondleiding Heilige Maria Presentatiekerk Asten
Kerkstraat 2
5721 GV Asten