Hiking in the Peel

The Peel has plenty of space. Space to feel freedom, find peace and recharge. Having a Natura 2000 status, the Peel landscape is one of the richest bird areas of Western Europe. Explore eye-catchers such as De Groote Peel National Park and the Strabrechtse Heide, ore plan a city hike tour in Helmond. 



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1 to 24 of 106 results

  • Hiking the Starkrietroute in Someren-Eind

    Hiking the Starkrietroute in Someren-Eind

    The Starkriet route starts in the center of Someren-Eind at community center De Einder. Follow th...

    (8.0 km)
  • Vinexwandeling Brandevoort

    Vinexwandeling Brandevoort

    A 7 km walk through the Vinex district of Brandevoort. The walk starts and ends at Brandevoort st...

    (7.5 km)
  • Hiking in The Peel

    Hiking in The Peel

    Hiking through the Deurne Peel and Mariapeel and through the former peat district of Griendtsveen...

    (7.7 km)
  • Village walk in Someren

    Village walk in Someren

    The village walk through the center of Someren-Dorp takes you, accompanied by a guide, past a la...

    (3.0 km)
  • Griendtsveen in het groen

    Griendtsveen in het groen

    Walking network route through the beautiful peel nature and the picturesque village of Griendtsveen

    (6.5 km)
  • In de ban van de Kaweise Loop

    In de ban van de Kaweise Loop

    Beautiful route along the flowery banks of the Kaweise Loop

    (6.9 km)
  • Janmiekesroute


    The Janmiekes route leads through a varied landscape on the border of Mariahout and Beek en Donk.

    (4.8 km)
  • Laarbike: Aarle-Rixtel

    Laarbike: Aarle-Rixtel

    An interactive bicycle route through Aarle-Rixtel, made by scouting Aarle-Rixtel, in which you ha...

    (12.0 km)
  • Bolle Akkerroute

    Bolle Akkerroute

    A 2 hour hike through Helmond and Aarle-Rixtel through the beautiful landscape of the Croy countr...

    (8.0 km)
  • In de ban van de Esperloop en Snelle loop

    In de ban van de Esperloop en Snelle loop

    Beautiful walk along the Esperloop, discover nature from the artworks of Jegerings and Tielens

    (9.5 km)
  • Recht en Orde Laarbeek

    Recht en Orde Laarbeek

    Cultural-historical walking route between jaw and gallows.

    (19.0 km)
  • Woudloperspad


    Beautiful hike along the winding Astense Aa

    (8.5 km)
  • Bomenwandeling Aarle-Rixtel

    Bomenwandeling Aarle-Rixtel

    It is recommended to walk this tree walk in the different seasons.

    (3.5 km)
  • Walking route De Peel and De Witte Bergen

    Walking route De Peel and De Witte Bergen

    There is only one way to explore De Peel and that is with sturdy, waterproof hiking boots. De Gro...

    (17.2 km)
  • Walking route The Ommels Ommetje

    Walking route The Ommels Ommetje

    This Ommetje is a short walk through the center of Ommel. The distance is only 2.5 kilometers. Yo...

    (2.5 km)
  • Boerenwandeling


    At the Brabantse Kluis, you can take a farm walk.

    1 hour 30 minutes
  • Liessel forest route

    Liessel forest route Liessel forest Route

    A nice walk through the woods on the walking route network  

    (4.2 km)
  • Themawandelroutes 'Deurne Uit de Kunst'

    Themawandelroutes 'Deurne Uit de Kunst'
    (5.3 km)
  • Hiking the Witvenroute in Someren

    Hiking the Witvenroute in Someren

    The route starts at the Keelven parking lot along the Provincialeweg Someren-Heeze. From the star...

    (6.0 km)
  • In and around Lieshout

    In and around Lieshout

    10 KM Long walking route through the beautiful inner and outer area of Lieshout.

    (10.0 km)
  • Rondje Beek en Donk

    Rondje Beek en Donk

    Green edges of the village, village views and lots of water can be seen in the Rondje Beek en Donk.

    (11.0 km)
  • Ommetje Oost Mariahout

    Ommetje Oost Mariahout

    This walk is characterised by a small-scale landscape where agriculture and forestry predominate.

    (4.6 km)
  • Monument walking tour DaarOM Deurne

    Monument walking tour DaarOM Deurne

    3 Historic walking tours through Deurne

    (5.0 km)
  • Historische route - Mariahout Pioniersdorp

    Historische route - Mariahout Pioniersdorp

    This route runs through the centre of Mariahout. There are 18 QR codes on 18 signs that lead the...

    (4.6 km)