D'n Bouwvakker, monument at the Wilhelminaplein in Someren
D'n Bouwvakker, monument at the Wilhelminaplein in Someren
The statue of D'n Bouwvak was donated by Bouwbedrijf Wijnen on 11-10-1985, on the occasion of the...
Former office Klinknagelfabriek
Former office Klinknagelfabriek
The office building of the former riveting factory P. van Thiel en Zonen consists of an elongated...
Beek en Donk
Molenstraat 60-62, Helmond
Molenstraat 60-62, Helmond
Voormalig bankgebouw Kanaaldijk N.W. 41 en Steenweg 2-4 - Helmond
Voormalig bankgebouw Kanaaldijk N.W. 41 en Steenweg 2-4 - Helmond
Oude Handwijzer
Oude Handwijzer
An old hand sign already stood here at an intersection of five dirt roads. Three roads are still...
De Rips
Bolle Akkers
Bolle Akkers
Watertoren Helmond
Watertoren Helmond
A dodecagonal brick water tower in the built-up area of Helmond.
Kapel van Binderen
Kapel van Binderen
The Chapel of Binderen is located in the district of Helmond-North, on the premises of the former...
Windmill De Victor in Someren
Windmill De Victor in Someren
Windmill "De Victor" on the Kerkstraat in Someren is open all year round every Saturday from 1:00...
Villa - Kromme Steenweg 19 Helmond
Villa - Kromme Steenweg 19 Helmond
castle Eyckenlust
castle Eyckenlust
Eikenlust Castle (also spelled: Eyckenlust), is a castle near the village of Beek en Donk in the...
Beek en Donk
Harmonie De Goede Hoop Aarle-Rixtel
Harmonie De Goede Hoop Aarle-Rixtel
The club spirit is of paramount importance at Harmonie De Goede Hoop.
Boerderij: De Sijp, Elsendorp
Boerderij: De Sijp, Elsendorp
From this house, the reclamation of the De Sijp estate was regulated. Indeed, this estate was par...
Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk
Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk
Harmonie Oefening en Uitspanning with a student orchestra, the youth orchestra and a percussion g...
Beek en Donk
Monument wheelbarrow with peat on the Nieuwendijk in Someren-Eind
Monument wheelbarrow with peat on the Nieuwendijk in Someren-Eind
This memorial was presented on March 10, 1990 by the Shadow Council Someren-Eind/Sluis 13 on the...
De Veestraatbrug
De Veestraatbrug
Kapel Maria van Liefde | De Rips
Kapel Maria van Liefde | De Rips
This contemporary chapel was built after a near-death experience and an 'Encounter with Mary'. Th...
De Rips
De voormalige hoeve Handel
De voormalige hoeve Handel
The vanished Handel farmstead is the oldest clearing, from which the village of Handel emerged.
Woonhuis - Markt 28-30 Helmond
Woonhuis - Markt 28-30 Helmond
Huis met de Luts - Helmond
Huis met de Luts - Helmond
The house with the Luts is special because of its medieval canopy.
Kapel Ossenkapel | Handel
Kapel Ossenkapel | Handel
This chapel was built on the site of the Marian miracle of Handel. Handel is the oldest Marian pi...
Sacred Heart Statue Donk
Sacred Heart Statue Donk
Between the tower of the Leonarduskerk and the Kapelstraat is a neo-Gothic Sacred Heart statue on...
Beek en Donk
Monument 33 years Carnival on the Plattevonder in Someren-Eind
Monument 33 years Carnival on the Plattevonder in Someren-Eind
This monument was designed on the occasion of the 33th anniversary of Carnival association De Pla...
Gemeentehuis Gemert- Bakel
Gemeentehuis Gemert- Bakel
This 19th century villa, built on the site of an illustrious inn is now the home of the Municipal...