Experience culture in
the Land van de Peel
Explore castles and museums
Visit the lush remains of Asten Castle, follow a culture route through Helmond or a chateau domain walk in Deurne. You discover the most beautiful heritage. The Peel also has a diverse range of museums. Step back in time to a peeldorp from 1900 in Gemert, admire the Wieger museum and the nearby Toon Kortoomspark and don't miss the celebrated Museum Klok & Peel.
Missieklooster Heilig Bloed
Missieklooster Heilig Bloed
The Missionary Convent of the Holy Blood is a convent of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious B...
Monument Diamanttafel in Someren
Monument Diamanttafel in Someren
The monument De Diamantentafel in the Postelpark in Someren shows the tension between nature and...
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Textielfabriek Raymakers Kanaaldijk N.W. 61 - Helmond
Textielfabriek Raymakers Kanaaldijk N.W. 61 - Helmond
The complex of the Royal Textile Factories J. A. Raymakers & Co includes two buildings with monum...
Herenhuis - Marktstraat 10
Herenhuis - Marktstraat 10
Woonhuis - Markt 34 Helmond
Woonhuis - Markt 34 Helmond
Pastorie Wilhelminalaan 16 - Helmond
Pastorie Wilhelminalaan 16 - Helmond
Peel defence line
Peel defence line
Deurne Canal was part of the Peel defence line, a natural barrier with casemates intended to stop...
Kapel van Binderen
Kapel van Binderen
The Chapel of Binderen is located in the district of Helmond-North, on the premises of the former...
Remembrance Tree Foundation Celebrate Life
Remembrance Tree Foundation Celebrate Life
On March 27, 2021, the "FOUR THE LIFE" Foundation from Someren planted this wonderful Remembrance...
Watermolenwal 2-7
Watermolenwal 2-7
The symmetry, the two stories, and the hipped roof: the classical architectural style of this row...
Dome church in Lierop
Dome church in Lierop
In the Middle Ages, Asten and Lierop together formed one parish. The main church was in Asten. Li...
Villa President Rooseveltlaan 3 - Helmond
Villa President Rooseveltlaan 3 - Helmond
Harmonie St Caecilia Lieshout/Mariahout
Harmonie St Caecilia Lieshout/Mariahout
Harmonie st Caecilia has its 150th anniversary in sight.
Ter Watermolen | Gemert
Ter Watermolen | Gemert
The property Ter Watermolen was a medieval farmstead owned by the Commanderij Gemert.
Arbeidershuizen Kanaaldijk N.O. 116-124 - Helmond
Arbeidershuizen Kanaaldijk N.O. 116-124 - Helmond
Hagelkruis Boekent | Gemert
Hagelkruis Boekent | Gemert
Cross placed in middle of fields to ward off hail and protect harvest.
Molenstraat 48, Helmond
Molenstraat 48, Helmond
Statue of Saint Michael
Statue of Saint Michael
This is an off-white-painted artificial stone sculpture on a pedestal, representing St. Michael,...
Beek en Donk
Klokkengieterij Petit & Fritsen
Klokkengieterij Petit & Fritsen
Monumental building that once housed one of the most beautiful family businesses in the Netherlands.
Unitasgebouw Hoofdstraat 153-155 - Helmond
Unitasgebouw Hoofdstraat 153-155 - Helmond
Villa Westende - Steenweg 1 Helmond
Villa Westende - Steenweg 1 Helmond
Grenspaal Ripse Paal
Grenspaal Ripse Paal
Old boundary post between Bakel and Gemert and namesake of the young reclamation village of De Ri...
De Rips
Ashorst-Sneppenscheut (grafveld ijzertijd en Romeinse tijd)
Ashorst-Sneppenscheut (grafveld ijzertijd en Romeinse tijd)
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