Experience culture in
the Land van de Peel
Explore castles and museums
Visit the lush remains of Asten Castle, follow a culture route through Helmond or a chateau domain walk in Deurne. You discover the most beautiful heritage. The Peel also has a diverse range of museums. Step back in time to a peeldorp from 1900 in Gemert, admire the Wieger museum and the nearby Toon Kortoomspark and don't miss the celebrated Museum Klok & Peel.
Klooster Molenstraat 74 - Helmond
Klooster Molenstraat 74 - Helmond
District building Kerkstraat in Someren
District building Kerkstraat in Someren
The old neighborhood building that previously stood here was built in 1954. One of the initiators...
One of the younger sculptures in the public area of Laarbeek is Spirit. A work of art by sculptor...
Beek en Donk
Presbytery Beek en Donk
Presbytery Beek en Donk
The presbytery of St. Michael's Church is located to the east of this church and connected to it...
Beek en Donk
Bolle Akkers
Bolle Akkers
Tol- of wevershuisje
Tol- of wevershuisje
Tollhouse or weaver's house, dated on a wall anchor in the right side wall: 1785.
Dubbel woonhuis en poort Hindestraat 56-60 en Eekhoornstraat 7 - Helmond
Dubbel woonhuis en poort Hindestraat 56-60 en Eekhoornstraat 7 - Helmond
Mill 'the Oostenwind'
Mill 'the Oostenwind'
No one is quite sure exactly how old the mill is, but we know for sure that a mill has stood on t...
Molenstraat 36, Helmond
Molenstraat 36, Helmond
Hardstone kerbstones with chains
Hardstone kerbstones with chains
Beautiful bluestone kerbstones with chains, which are of importance due to their antiquity.
Bronze Sacred Heart statue
Bronze Sacred Heart statue
Sacred Heart statue, made in 1925 by J. Dechin. Freestanding, facing the square in front of the c...
Lieshout Town Hall
Lieshout Town Hall
The town hall was demolished in 1951 to make way for a larger town hall. French-Batavian era.
Watermolenwal 2-7
Watermolenwal 2-7
The symmetry, the two stories, and the hipped roof: the classical architectural style of this row...
Boerderij: Espse Hoeve, Bakel
Boerderij: Espse Hoeve, Bakel
This moat farm was built in the 15th century and was owned by the Gemert Commandery of the Teuton...
De Schouw en Ter Schaut, Bakel
De Schouw en Ter Schaut, Bakel
The hamlet of De Schouw originated from the medieval farmstead Ter Schaut. It was a farmstead wit...
Helling in de Scheiweg | Gemert
Helling in de Scheiweg | Gemert
If you look from west to east across the Scheiweg, you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
Marechausseekazerne | Gemert
Marechausseekazerne | Gemert
In the 19th century there was unrest in Gemert; there were riots among the weavers, riots among t...
Hoeve Ten Hogen Aarle, Gemert
Hoeve Ten Hogen Aarle, Gemert
Medieval farmstead, formerly surrounded by a double moat.
De Mortel
Huis met de Luts - Helmond
Huis met de Luts - Helmond
The house with the Luts is special because of its medieval canopy.
Kasteel Gemert
Kasteel Gemert
This large castle complex, complete with gardens and castle farms has had an eventful history. It...
Onze Lieve Vrouw van Lourdes church
Onze Lieve Vrouw van Lourdes church
This parish was founded in 1932.
Voormalig klein seminarie en dienstwoning
Voormalig klein seminarie en dienstwoning
Bevrijdingsmonument Mierlo-Hout
Bevrijdingsmonument Mierlo-Hout
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