Experience culture in
the Land van de Peel
Explore castles and museums
Visit the lush remains of Asten Castle, follow a culture route through Helmond or a chateau domain walk in Deurne. You discover the most beautiful heritage. The Peel also has a diverse range of museums. Step back in time to a peeldorp from 1900 in Gemert, admire the Wieger museum and the nearby Toon Kortoomspark and don't miss the celebrated Museum Klok & Peel.
Hardstone kerbstones with chains
Hardstone kerbstones with chains
Beautiful bluestone kerbstones with chains, which are of importance due to their antiquity.
Dubbel woonhuis Aarle-Rixtelseweg 65-67 - Helmond
Dubbel woonhuis Aarle-Rixtelseweg 65-67 - Helmond
Chapel Onze Lieve Vrouw in ‘t Zand Aarle-Rixtel
Chapel Onze Lieve Vrouw in ‘t Zand Aarle-Rixtel
National monument and famous place of pilgrimage with a miraculous element.
Schoolmeesterswoning 1922
Schoolmeesterswoning 1922
The Master's house was occupied by the "Upper Masters" Hertsig and Huvenaars beginning in 1922.
De Rips
Molenstraat 36, Helmond
Molenstraat 36, Helmond
Michael Church
Michael Church
The Michael Church is a church building in Beek en Donk in the municipality of Laarbeek.
Beek en Donk
Villa Ledeboer
Villa Ledeboer
The Ledeboer family, exploiters and owners of large parts of the surrounding woodland, built a vi...
De Rips
Café De Witte
Café De Witte
Café 'De Witte' is located next to the former town hall on the Heuvelplein in Beek.
Beek en donk
Sparen en spelen
Sparen en spelen
An image of children playing.
Nummerke 3
Nummerke 3
Musical band that is mainly active during the carnival season.
Beek en Donk
Witte Arbeiderswoningen 1922
Witte Arbeiderswoningen 1922
The 12 double White Worker houses were the basis for the new village of De Rips in 1921-22.
De Rips
Pastor J.R.A. van Eijndhoven
Pastor J.R.A. van Eijndhoven
Pastor J.R.A. van Eijndhoven was the founder of the Mariahout parish.
Hoeve Ter Ynde in Gemert
Hoeve Ter Ynde in Gemert
Ter Ynde is a vanished medieval farmstead of the Teutonic Order
Voormalig gymnastiek- en kleedruimtelokaal - Molenstraat 189
Voormalig gymnastiek- en kleedruimtelokaal - Molenstraat 189
De voormalige hoeve Handel
De voormalige hoeve Handel
The vanished Handel farmstead is the oldest clearing, from which the village of Handel emerged.
Boerderij: D'n Traonpot, wevershuis anno 1752, Gemert
Boerderij: D'n Traonpot, wevershuis anno 1752, Gemert
Weavers were common in Gemert and home weaving had long been known there too. This old home weavi...
Grote Overbrug
Grote Overbrug
Water pump de Postel te Someren
Water pump de Postel te Someren
From 1893 to 1956 there was a water pump on the Postel in Someren. Due to the arrival of the wate...
A silent witness to a long forgotten history.
Molenstraat 60-62, Helmond
Molenstraat 60-62, Helmond
Kubuswoningen (paalwoningen) Helmond
Kubuswoningen (paalwoningen) Helmond
In the seventies, Dutch architect Piet Blom built the cube houses in Helmond.
Gedachteniskapel Sint-Jozef in Helmond
Gedachteniskapel Sint-Jozef in Helmond
Stichting Muziekopleidingen O&U
Stichting Muziekopleidingen O&U
The Music Education Foundation O&U offers all boys and girls from Beek and Donk the opportuni...
Beek en Donk
Five4you is an all-round formation from Gemert and Laarbeek.
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