castle Eyckenlust
castle Eyckenlust
Eikenlust Castle (also spelled: Eyckenlust), is a castle near the village of Beek en Donk in the...
Beek en Donk
Memorial Tromslager St-Jozef in Someren-Heide
Memorial Tromslager St-Jozef in Someren-Heide
This statue of the Tromslager was donated by Mr G. van Deursen on 17 May 2003 on the occasion of...
Calvarieberg De Rips 1936
Calvarieberg De Rips 1936
This Calvary has a unique altar that was used in the annual processions.
De Ripd
Dubbel herenhuis - Wilhelminalaan 2c-4 Helmond
Dubbel herenhuis - Wilhelminalaan 2c-4 Helmond
Kom ook naar Gemert-Bakel!
Kom ook naar Gemert-Bakel!
If you are looking for one or more days of vacation in Brabant, Gemert-Bakel is definitely worth...
Leonarduskerk - Helmond
Leonarduskerk - Helmond
Helling in de Lochterweg | De Mortel
Helling in de Lochterweg | De Mortel
If you look from west to east across Lochter Road, you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
De Mortel
Voormalig klein seminarie en dienstwoning - Helmond
Voormalig klein seminarie en dienstwoning - Helmond
Boerderij: D'n Traonpot, wevershuis anno 1752, Gemert
Boerderij: D'n Traonpot, wevershuis anno 1752, Gemert
Weavers were common in Gemert and home weaving had long been known there too. This old home weavi...
De Meet
De Meet
The Meet was placed in honour of the seventh anniversary of the Lieshout Cycling Club.
Sint Servatius chapel
Sint Servatius chapel
On the border of Lieshout and Mariahout is the Saint Servatius chapel.
Holten's Molen
Holten's Molen
Grinding grain, crushing seeds and sawing wood; a unique combination
Monument "Portaal" De Ruchte in Someren
Monument "Portaal" De Ruchte in Someren
On the corner Kerkstraat-Laan ten Roode near the Social Cultural Center 'De Ruchte' is the artwor...
Museum Helmond, Castle Helmond
Museum Helmond, Castle Helmond
Museum Helmond is partly housed in a medieval castle and partly in the contemporary Boscotondo Ha...
Marechausseekazerne | Gemert
Marechausseekazerne | Gemert
In the 19th century there was unrest in Gemert; there were riots among the weavers, riots among t...
Voormalige winkel - Steenweg 35 Helmond
Voormalige winkel - Steenweg 35 Helmond
Stadsbrouwerij De Deftige Aap
Stadsbrouwerij De Deftige Aap
In Helmond's oldest building, dating from 1550, you are welcome seven days a week for lunch, dinn...
Lourdesgrot Mariahout Laarbeek
Lourdesgrot Mariahout Laarbeek
Replica of a very famous French cave in Mariahout Laarbeek
Mysteries van Gemert | Gemert
Mysteries van Gemert | Gemert
Ad Otten on all kinds of historical facts from local history under the heading Mysteries of Gemer...
Heemhuis 'Barthold van Heessel'
Heemhuis 'Barthold van Heessel'
Heemkamer with a large number of themed collections including archaeology, old tools, devotional/...
Boerderij 'de Rips'
Boerderij 'de Rips'
This building is the oldest farm in de Rips. It was originally a sheep farm. One of the many larg...
De Rips
Indiaanse Totempaal
Indiaanse Totempaal
Piece of beautiful Indian woodcarving at the Maplehof in Mariahout Laarbeek.
Wehrmacht house in Someren-Heide
Wehrmacht house in Someren-Heide
At Kerkendijk 88-90, the Wehrmacht House, which was completely restored in 2019, is a reminder of...
Care farm Wouterbergen
Care farm Wouterbergen
Wouterbergen is a modern care farm that offers shelter to various participants in daytime activit...