Particuliere Begraafplaats Familie Wiegersma
Particuliere Begraafplaats Familie Wiegersma
Private cemetery and national monument, usually not open to the public, only on certain open days
Bebouwing westzijde Kerkstraat
Bebouwing westzijde Kerkstraat
The first construction on the west side of Kerkstraat occurred between 1480 and 1500. Now the cen...
Martien Coppens
Martien Coppens
Martien Coppens was born in 1908 as the son of a clogmaker in Lieshout, a village in the vicinity...
Monument 'Sporen die bleven'
Monument 'Sporen die bleven'
The monument 'Traces that stayed' in Helenaveen commemorates the series of raids in October and N...
Long-gabled farmhouse Kouwenberg Aarle Rixtel
Long-gabled farmhouse Kouwenberg Aarle Rixtel
Farmhouse of the long-gable type.
Coach house at Leonardus Church
Coach house at Leonardus Church
Behind the presbytery, in the garden, is a coach house built around 1910.
Beek en Donk
Long-gable farmhouse Croylaan Aarle Rixtel
Long-gable farmhouse Croylaan Aarle Rixtel
Farmhouse of the Kempen long-gable type.
Kasteel Gemert
Kasteel Gemert
This large castle complex, complete with gardens and castle farms has had an eventful history. It...
Crucifix on Koppelstraat
Crucifix on Koppelstraat
Crucifixes, there are many of them in the public landscape. So too in Laarbeek.
Beek en Donk
Confessional, organ and sculptures of St Michael's Church
Confessional, organ and sculptures of St Michael's Church
The church is not a listed building. A confessional, an organ and statues are monuments.
Beek en Donk
WWII: Freya zoekradar | De Rips
WWII: Freya zoekradar | De Rips
Freya search radar position with the remains of radar system blown up by the Germans themselves a...
De Rips
Carillon Gemeentehuis Deurne
Carillon Gemeentehuis Deurne
Glockenspiel in the turret of the monumental town hall of Deurne
Watertoren - Torenstraat Helmond
Watertoren - Torenstraat Helmond
Villa - Wilhelminalaan 6 Helmond
Villa - Wilhelminalaan 6 Helmond
Klompenmakerij Het Klompenschuurtje
Klompenmakerij Het Klompenschuurtje
Have you ever heard of a pile driver, a pile bank or a cutting horse?
Villa Ledeboer
Villa Ledeboer
The Ledeboer family, exploiters and owners of large parts of the surrounding woodland, built a vi...
De Rips
Haageind castle grounds
Haageind castle grounds
Two castles with outbuildings, gardens and parks; near the Great Castle animal meadow and park in...
Dubbel herenhuis - Wilhelminalaan 1-3 Helmond
Dubbel herenhuis - Wilhelminalaan 1-3 Helmond
Zusters Hoop en Liefde
Zusters Hoop en Liefde
The statue stands on a concrete pedestal and consists of a sister in traditional orderly attire a...
De Peelwerker monument
De Peelwerker monument
The monument De Peelwerker at the side entrance of the town hall was made by sculptor Niek van Le...
Mysteries van Gemert | Gemert
Mysteries van Gemert | Gemert
Ad Otten on all kinds of historical facts from local history under the heading Mysteries of Gemer...
Boerderij: De Dompthoeve, Elsendorp
Boerderij: De Dompthoeve, Elsendorp
In the large-scale peel reclamations, all kinds of experiments were carried out. The Dompthoeve w...
St. Trudokerk
St. Trudokerk
Voormalig kantoor en archiefgebouw Kanaaldijk N.W. 27b-29d - Helmond
Voormalig kantoor en archiefgebouw Kanaaldijk N.W. 27b-29d - Helmond