Keske Kruiseind | Gemert
Keske Kruiseind | Gemert
The keske on the Cross End has four niches and was built in this form in 1911, but has predecessors.
Monument Diamanttafel in Someren
Monument Diamanttafel in Someren
The monument De Diamantentafel in the Postelpark in Someren shows the tension between nature and...
Memorial in Someren
Memorial in Someren
The memorial monument 'Today has a lot of yesterday' in Someren is a black marble memorial stone,...
Memorial Kerkweg in Someren
Memorial Kerkweg in Someren
This World War II commemorative monument was unveiled on the Kerkweg in Someren on September 24,...
Calvarieberg De Rips 1936
Calvarieberg De Rips 1936
This Calvary has a unique altar that was used in the annual processions.
De Ripd
Voormalig woonhuis - President Rooseveltlaan 11 Helmond
Voormalig woonhuis - President Rooseveltlaan 11 Helmond
Rijkswerkkamp de Rips (infopaneel versie)
Rijkswerkkamp de Rips (infopaneel versie)
State work camp De Rips served in various forms from 1940 to early 1948. A motley procession of r...
De Rips
Road cross
Road cross
Road cross at the Helmondseweg/Bosscheweg junction.
St. Luciakerk
St. Luciakerk
Longhouse Kannelustweg Aarle-Rixtel
Longhouse Kannelustweg Aarle-Rixtel
Farmhouse of the long gable type from 1714 under a pitched saddle roof; six-pane sliding windows...
Winkelwoonhuis Kerkstraat 48 - Helmond
Winkelwoonhuis Kerkstraat 48 - Helmond
This shop-residential house with a facade from 1890 was fitted with a shop window in Art Nouveau...
Monument De Grote Tromslager in Lierop
Monument De Grote Tromslager in Lierop
This monument was presented in 1989 by the commissioners of Fanfare St. Willibrordus Lierop on th...
The isolated row of residential houses served a public purpose. It has a large cultural-historica...
Boswachterswoning De Rips
Boswachterswoning De Rips
From 1900, the Foresters' House was used as such.
De Rips
Jan Visser Museum
Jan Visser Museum
The Jan Visser Museum focuses on the agricultural past before the mechanization with collections...
Kasteel Noord
Kasteel Noord
This remarkable building at the intersection of Oostende and the Keizerin Marialaan responds in a...
Bust: King Louis Napoleon
Bust: King Louis Napoleon
The bust in front of the Kouwenbergs Church in Aarle-Rixtel is the only statue of King Louis Napo...
Martien Coppens
Martien Coppens
Martien Coppens was born in 1908 as the son of a clogmaker in Lieshout, a village in the vicinity...
Natuurgebied De Aarlesche Peel | De Rips
Natuurgebied De Aarlesche Peel | De Rips
Aarlesche Peel was named after the municipality of Aarle-Rixtel which obtained ownership of this...
De Rips
Hazenwinkel (nederzetting ijzertijd)
Hazenwinkel (nederzetting ijzertijd)
WWII: Rijkswerkkamp De Rips (verdwenen) | De Rips
WWII: Rijkswerkkamp De Rips (verdwenen) | De Rips
A Dutch labour camp with many functions and residents.
De Rips
De Ossenbeemd
De Ossenbeemd
Nature playground and park with themed gardens, tree path, petting zoo, nice picnic areas, water...
Church H.Lambertus in Someren-Dorp
Church H.Lambertus in Someren-Dorp
H. Lambertus Church;
The church was built in 1926 by contractor Gerard Krekelberg from Maasbrach...