169 to 192 of 411 results
Toeac met Ariane Schluter en Ali Ben Horsting
Toeac met Ariane Schluter en Ali Ben HorstingTuesday 22 April
Helmond -
Veertiendaagse Markt in Asten
Veertiendaagse Markt in Asten23 April, 7 May and 18 June
Asten -
Cinema Het Witte Doek - Inshallah a Boy
Cinema Het Witte Doek - Inshallah a BoyWednesday 23 April
Well-constructed, moving and often humorous debut by Jordanian Amjad Al Rasheed about women's rig...
Deurne -
Stefan de Walle en Angela Schijf
Stefan de Walle en Angela SchijfWednesday 23 April
Helmond -
Documentary 'Obesity from within'
Documentary 'Obesity from within'Thursday 24 April
Obesity is about health, not about whether you are 'beautiful' or not. Every person is beautiful.
Deurne -
NovastarThursday 24 April
Helmond -
The African Mamas
The African MamasFriday 25 April
Helmond -
Koningsnacht op 't Ridderplein
Koningsnacht op 't RidderpleinFriday 25 April
On 25 April, King's Night at 't Ridderplein will be organised by cafe Gij&Ik.
Gemert -
De Slag Om Asten
De Slag Om AstenFriday 25 April
Asten -
Royal Music Night
Royal Music NightFriday 25 April
2-Yearly proms concert with the participation of national and local artists
Deurne -
Koningsdag Gemert
Koningsdag GemertSaturday 26 April
In the city centre, there will be a free market with all kinds of stalls with something for every...
Gemert -
Koningsdag in Milheeze
Koningsdag in MilheezeSaturday 26 April
On April 26, Milheeze will again be full of activities surrounding King's Day.
Milheeze -
Kingsday Deurne
Kingsday DeurneSaturday 26 April
Kingsday in Deurne with the slingermarkt and fun in the center of Deurne.
Deurne -
King's Day Beek and Donk
King's Day Beek and DonkSaturday 26 April
Kings Day Beek and Donk will be a celebration with children at the forefront.
Beek en Donk -
King's Day - Veterans
King's Day - VeteransSaturday 26 April
With a stand at the Slingermarkt
Deurne -
Muziekspektakel Asten
Muziekspektakel AstenSaturday 26 April
On King's Day, the music spectacle starts at approximately 2:00 PM in the large tent on Koningspl...
Asten -
Shopping (Sunday) day Deurne - King's Day
Shopping (Sunday) day Deurne - King's DaySaturday 26 April
Double the fun of shopping with the Slingermarkt added
Deurne -
Oranjecomite de Rips
Oranjecomite de RipsSaturday 26 April
On April 27, the Orange Committee de Rips will again organize the traditional King's Day with var...
De Rips -
Spring walk and trail run
Spring walk and trail runSunday 27 April
The routes go through forests and fields in the area around Deurne
Deurne -
Day with old crafts
Day with old craftsSunday 27 April
On 27 april discover old crafts and meet villagers at the Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Gemert -
Museum Klok & Peel with Tuurke
Museum Klok & Peel with Tuurke27 April until 4 May
Come to Museum Klok & Peel in Asten in July and August and go on an adventure with Tuurke. Tuurke...
Asten -
Introdans & Krisztina de Châtel
Introdans & Krisztina de ChâtelTuesday 29 April
Helmond -
Ons Moeder
Ons MoederWednesday 30 April
Helmond -
De Joardy Show
De Joardy ShowCanceled
Thursday 1 May