169 to 192 of 410 results
The African Mamas
The African MamasFriday 25 April
Helmond -
De Slag Om Asten
De Slag Om AstenFriday 25 April
Asten -
Koningsnacht op 't Ridderplein
Koningsnacht op 't RidderpleinFriday 25 April
On 25 April, King's Night at 't Ridderplein will be organised by cafe Gij&Ik.
Gemert -
King Of My Castle Festival
King Of My Castle Festival25 and 26 April
Party like a King. Celebrate King's Night and King's Day at the King Of My Castle Festival in Deu...
Deurne -
Royal Music Night
Royal Music NightFriday 25 April
2-Yearly proms concert with the participation of national and local artists
Deurne -
Koningsdag in Milheeze
Koningsdag in MilheezeSaturday 26 April
On April 26, Milheeze will again be full of activities surrounding King's Day.
Milheeze -
King's Day - Veterans
King's Day - VeteransSaturday 26 April
With a stand at the Slingermarkt
Deurne -
Koningsdag Gemert
Koningsdag GemertSaturday 26 April
In the city centre, there will be a free market with all kinds of stalls with something for every...
Gemert -
King's Day Beek and Donk
King's Day Beek and DonkSaturday 26 April
Kings Day Beek and Donk will be a celebration with children at the forefront.
Beek en Donk -
Shopping (Sunday) day Deurne - King's Day
Shopping (Sunday) day Deurne - King's DaySaturday 26 April
Double the fun of shopping with the Slingermarkt added
Deurne -
Oranjecomite de Rips
Oranjecomite de RipsSaturday 26 April
On April 27, the Orange Committee de Rips will again organize the traditional King's Day with var...
De Rips -
Kingsday Deurne
Kingsday DeurneSaturday 26 April
Kingsday in Deurne with the slingermarkt and fun in the center of Deurne.
Deurne -
Muziekspektakel Asten
Muziekspektakel AstenSaturday 26 April
On King's Day, the music spectacle starts at approximately 2:00 PM in the large tent on Koningspl...
Asten -
Day with old crafts
Day with old craftsSunday 27 April
On 27 april discover old crafts and meet villagers at the Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Gemert -
Spring walk and trail run
Spring walk and trail runSunday 27 April
The routes go through forests and fields in the area around Deurne
Deurne -
Museum Klok & Peel with Tuurke
Museum Klok & Peel with Tuurke27 April until 4 May
Come to Museum Klok & Peel in Asten in July and August and go on an adventure with Tuurke. Tuurke...
Asten -
Introdans & Krisztina de Châtel
Introdans & Krisztina de ChâtelTuesday 29 April
Helmond -
Ons Moeder
Ons MoederWednesday 30 April
Helmond -
De Joardy Show
De Joardy ShowCanceled
Thursday 1 May
Helmond -
Opening of the Willibrordus Church in Deurne
Opening of the Willibrordus Church in Deurne1 May until 26 October
Monumental church in the centre of Deurne. This Gothic almshouse has various church treasures suc...
Deurne -
Meneer Monster
Meneer MonsterFriday 2 May
Helmond -
Lentetocht WSV Zuth
Lentetocht WSV Zuth3 and 4 May
On 4 and 5 May, Wandelsportvereniging Zuth is organising a two-day spring walk with various hikin...
Gemert -
De magische kast (4 tot 12 jaar)
De magische kast (4 tot 12 jaar)Saturday 3 May
Helmond -
Derde divisie amateurvoetbal Gemert tegen Kloetinge
Derde divisie amateurvoetbal Gemert tegen KloetingeSaturday 3 May
On January 27, soccer club Gemert plays against Kloetinge in the third division amateur soccer at...