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913 to 936 of 1580 results

  • Monument Diamanttafel in Someren

    Monument Diamanttafel in Someren

    The monument De Diamantentafel in the Postelpark in Someren shows the tension between nature and...

  • DIO Drogisterij-Parfumerie

    DIO Drogisterij-Parfumerie

    There are some shops that you enjoy going into. Why? Because you receive a friendly welcome, g...

  • Cafeteria-Eethuis Kom us an

    Cafeteria-Eethuis Kom us an Cafetaria-Eethuis Kom us an

    A spacious cafeteria with terrace and a small dining room where you can eat well at a friendly pr...

  • Botanical garden

    Botanical garden

    The botanic garden is located behind H. Antoniuskerk on Vorstermansplein in the centre of Asten-H...

  • Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Milheeze

    Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Milheeze

    Waterfront church built on the remains of a medieval chapel.

  • Martien Coppens

    Martien Coppens

    Martien Coppens was born in 1908 as the son of a clogmaker in Lieshout, a village in the vicinity...

  • Bevrijdingsmonument Stiphout

    Bevrijdingsmonument Stiphout
  • Mini campsite De Somerweij in Someren

    Mini campsite De Somerweij in Someren

    Camping de Somerweij is a beautiful, cozy mini campsite located in the municipality of Someren....

  • Keske Kruiseind | Gemert

    Keske Kruiseind | Gemert

    The keske on the Cross End has four niches and was built in this form in 1911, but has predecessors.

  • De Schat van de Peel

    De Schat van de Peel Demonstration of peat cutting in Deurne

    Experience the world of the diligent peeling workers from the 19th century with a group during a...

  • Mill 'the Oostenwind'

    Mill 'the Oostenwind'

    No one is quite sure exactly how old the mill is, but we know for sure that a mill has stood on t...

  • Krijger te paard 1982

    Krijger te paard 1982
  • Bonbisou Chocolaterie

    Bonbisou Chocolaterie Bonbisou Chocolaterie in Deurne

    Bonbisou Chocolaterie is located in the center of Deurne. The address where it should be tasty! L...

  • Vlisco-winkel in Helmond

    Vlisco-winkel in Helmond
  • Buurthuis Mariahout

    Buurthuis Mariahout

    Helma and Marcel's reception is always friendly and informal. But if it has to be chic and formal...

  • Ganzegatse hofkapel

    Ganzegatse hofkapel

    The Goez Hool Band from Aarle-Rixtel started in 1980 as Ganzegats Hofkapel and can still be found...

  • Ames Sport & Zorg

    Ames Sport & Zorg Ames Sport en Zorg in Deurne

    Fitness, Group Lessons, Physiotherapy, Squash, Meeting / Workshop Room. Ames Sport is the sports...

  • Voormalige Komschool | Gemert

    Voormalige Komschool | Gemert

    One of the old village schools, from 1877 that incidentally lasted until 1978.

  • Chapel Onze Lieve Vrouw in ‘t Zand Aarle-Rixtel

    Chapel Onze Lieve Vrouw in ‘t Zand Aarle-Rixtel

    National monument and famous place of pilgrimage with a miraculous element.

  • Kick-off meeting tourist season

    Kick-off meeting tourist season

    Toerist Laarbeek kicks off the season with all tourism entrepreneurs in Laarbeek. This evening wi...

  • Koffieboetiek


    Looking for a cozy coffee break in the heart of vibrant Helmond? Then head to this charming coffe...

  • Villa Den Zwaluw

    Villa Den Zwaluw
  • Klasseboeren Regio De Peel

    Klasseboeren Regio De Peel
  • Rondleiding pittoresk Griendtsveen

    Rondleiding pittoresk Griendtsveen Im malerischen Griendtsveen scheint die Zeit stehen geblieben zu sein. Diese Gruppentour führt Sie zurück in die Torfkolonialzeit.

    In picturesque Griendtsveen it seems as if time has stood still. This group tour takes you back t...
