Out and about

Out and about in Gemert-Bakel
In the municipality of Gemert-Bakel there are numerous opportunities to enjoy yourself for one or more days. How about a visit to Boerenbondsmuseum in Gemert? Throughout the center of you will find beautiful buildings, many of which are listed. Furthermore, the surroundings of Gemert-Bakel give you the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty while walking or cycling. Check here what there is to do.
Markt in Hartje Gemert.
Markt in Hartje Gemert.weekly
Note: Due to the Corona measures, the market is temporarily in Knight Square! Every Monday from 1...
Gemert -
Markt in Bakel
Markt in Bakelweekly
Every Tuesday morning market in the center of Bakel, St. Wilbertsplein from 09.00 am to 13.00 pm....
Bakel -
Koningsdag Gemert
Koningsdag GemertSaturday 26 April
In the city centre, there will be a free market with all kinds of stalls with something for every...
Gemert -
Chauffeursdag De Peeltruckers Milheeze.
Chauffeursdag De Peeltruckers Milheeze.Sunday 4 May
On 5 May, the Peeltruckers Milheeze at van Kessel in Milheeze will again organise the drivers' da...
Milheeze -
Vlooienmarkt MC 't Anker de Mortel
Vlooienmarkt MC 't Anker de MortelSunday 13 July
Nice cozy flea market on the village meadow in De Mortel for anyone who wants to sell their stuff...
De Mortel -
Inspection of Dutch land goats
Inspection of Dutch land goatsSunday 10 August
Discover the robust Dutch Land Goat on August 10 at the land goat inspection. From 11:00 a.m., th...
Gemert -
Gemert Mert 2020
Gemert Mert 2020Sunday 14 September
Entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, associations and charities from Gemert - Bakel present themselves to...
Gemert -
Intocht van Sinterklaas in Gemert
Intocht van Sinterklaas in GemertSunday 16 November
Sinterklaas parade and shops open on 16 November in Hartje Gemert. Reception at town hall
Gemert -
Winkelzondag in Gemert
Winkelzondag in GemertSunday 30 November
There will be another shopping Sunday in Hartje Gemert on 30 november.
With children
General practice Aarle-Rixtel
General practice Aarle-RixtelGP practice Aarle-Rixtel is a group practice.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Kapel De Olde Kerk | Gemert
Kapel De Olde Kerk | GemertGemert's oldest church was in use from 1270 to around 1430.
Sporty and active
Kapel De Olde Kerk | Gemert
Kapel De Olde Kerk | GemertGemert's oldest church was in use from 1270 to around 1430.
Gemert -
Parochiehuis | Bakel
Parochiehuis | BakelThis beautiful building, from 1938, was especially intended for meetings concerning the parish of...
Bakel -
Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)
Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)former farmers' union warehouse from which agricultural items were sold.
De Rips -
B&B Op d'n Kreijtenberg | Milheeze
B&B Op d'n Kreijtenberg | MilheezeB&B Op d'n Kreijtenberg Milheeze has a unique location on the Stippelberg golf course. This accom...
Milheeze -
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De Rips
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De RipsThis little building has had all kinds of functions, from sheafkeet for the reclamation workers w...
De Rips -
KoksehoevePort, fishing, inn, fief of the Teutonic Order, tram stop, it is hard to say what this tavern may...
Gemert -
Grenspaal Paal achter 't Zand | De Mortel
Grenspaal Paal achter 't Zand | De MortelBoundary post between Bakel and Gemert. The name comes from the drifting dunes that used to lie h...
De Mortel -
Natuurpoort Nederheid | Milheeze
Natuurpoort Nederheid | MilheezeNext to Nederheide Estate is the Nature Gate Nederheide, a modern hospitality complex with restau...
Milheeze -
De Hoefpoort Hotel/Garni | Gemert
De Hoefpoort Hotel/Garni | GemertSpend the night in the atmosphere of yesteryear opposite Gemert's historic castle. In the monumen...
Gemert -
Boerderij: De Sparrenhof, De Rips
Boerderij: De Sparrenhof, De RipsBuilt in 1959, Sparrenhof was the last farm to rise on the reclaimed land of the Roelvink brothers.
De Rips -
Playground 't Zonnehoekje
Playground 't ZonnehoekjePlayground 't Zonnehoekje is a modern playground for all ages.
Gemert -
Vlindersafari | Tropische vlindertuin | Gemert
Vlindersafari | Tropische vlindertuin | GemertGo on a Butterfly Safari and meet special butterflies from all over the world. Small butterflies,...
Gemert -
Gemert Media B.V. | Gemert
Gemert Media B.V. | GemertGemert Media B.V. is a multimedia company, based in Gemert and the creator of the Gemerts Nieuwsb...
Kapel De Olde Kerk | Gemert
Kapel De Olde Kerk | GemertGemert's oldest church was in use from 1270 to around 1430.
Gemert -
Parochiehuis | Bakel
Parochiehuis | BakelThis beautiful building, from 1938, was especially intended for meetings concerning the parish of...
Bakel -
Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)
Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)former farmers' union warehouse from which agricultural items were sold.
De Rips
Art and Culture
Gnome Forest Bakel
Gnome Forest Bakeluntil 31 December
a public park where everyone, young and old, has a reason to go. A new surprise around every bend...
Bakel -
Opening Boerenbondsmuseum season 2025
Opening Boerenbondsmuseum season 2025Sunday 30 March
The characteristic gates of the Boerenbondsmuseum in Gemert will open again during the start of t...
Gemert -
Markt in Hartje Gemert.
Markt in Hartje Gemert.weekly
Note: Due to the Corona measures, the market is temporarily in Knight Square! Every Monday from 1...
Gemert -
Dansmiddagen voor Senioren vanaf 50 Plus
Dansmiddagen voor Senioren vanaf 50 Plusuntil 30 December
Weekly fun dance afternoons for seniors 50 plus with DJ at Dientje in Gemert. No entrance fee, pl...
Gemert -
Markt in Bakel
Markt in Bakelweekly
Every Tuesday morning market in the center of Bakel, St. Wilbertsplein from 09.00 am to 13.00 pm....
Bakel -
Voorjaarsbloemstuk maken Heerlijck Hopveld.
Voorjaarsbloemstuk maken Heerlijck Hopveld.Thursday 3 April
On 3 april at Heerlijck Hopveld, Velt's gardens a natural spring flower arrangement making worksh...
Gemert -
Team Unlimited bij De Bunker
Team Unlimited bij De BunkerFriday 4 April
Poppodium De Bunker Gemert is open for Team Unlimited on 3 january. and 7 february
Gemert -
Rondleiding kasteel Gemert
Rondleiding kasteel Gemert5 April, 3 May and 7 more days
Discover Castle Gemert with VVV Gemert-Bakel's guides. Learn more about this unique cultural heri...
Gemert -
Game night in de Bunker
Game night in de BunkerFriday 11 April
There will be another game night at the Bunker in Gemert on 14 March
Gemert -
Buskens burgerlijke vrijdag
Buskens burgerlijke vrijdagFriday 11 April
Every 2nd Friday of the month after dinner 'n nice music. April 11 will be the Buskens' Civil F...
Gemert -
Optrekdag St. Jorisgilde Gemert
Optrekdag St. Jorisgilde GemertSaturday 12 April
On April 20, the St. Joris Guild Gemert's parade day.
Gemert -
Openstelling park Kasteel Gemert.
Openstelling park Kasteel Gemert.until 28 December
The park of Gemert Castle is open to the public on several days in 2025
Gemert -
Rondleiding historisch centrum Gemert
Rondleiding historisch centrum Gemertuntil 13 December
A tour of the historic centre of Gemert Forest will be provided by VVV guides.
Food and Drinks
Kapel De Olde Kerk | Gemert
Kapel De Olde Kerk | GemertGemert's oldest church was in use from 1270 to around 1430.
Gemert -
Parochiehuis | Bakel
Parochiehuis | BakelThis beautiful building, from 1938, was especially intended for meetings concerning the parish of...
Bakel -
Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)
Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)former farmers' union warehouse from which agricultural items were sold.
De Rips -
B&B Op d'n Kreijtenberg | Milheeze
B&B Op d'n Kreijtenberg | MilheezeB&B Op d'n Kreijtenberg Milheeze has a unique location on the Stippelberg golf course. This accom...
Milheeze -
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De Rips
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De RipsThis little building has had all kinds of functions, from sheafkeet for the reclamation workers w...
De Rips -
KoksehoevePort, fishing, inn, fief of the Teutonic Order, tram stop, it is hard to say what this tavern may...
Gemert -
Grenspaal Paal achter 't Zand | De Mortel
Grenspaal Paal achter 't Zand | De MortelBoundary post between Bakel and Gemert. The name comes from the drifting dunes that used to lie h...
De Mortel -
Natuurpoort Nederheid | Milheeze
Natuurpoort Nederheid | MilheezeNext to Nederheide Estate is the Nature Gate Nederheide, a modern hospitality complex with restau...
Milheeze -
De Hoefpoort Hotel/Garni | Gemert
De Hoefpoort Hotel/Garni | GemertSpend the night in the atmosphere of yesteryear opposite Gemert's historic castle. In the monumen...
Gemert -
Boerderij: De Sparrenhof, De Rips
Boerderij: De Sparrenhof, De RipsBuilt in 1959, Sparrenhof was the last farm to rise on the reclaimed land of the Roelvink brothers.
De Rips -
Playground 't Zonnehoekje
Playground 't ZonnehoekjePlayground 't Zonnehoekje is a modern playground for all ages.
Gemert -
Vlindersafari | Tropische vlindertuin | Gemert
Vlindersafari | Tropische vlindertuin | GemertGo on a Butterfly Safari and meet special butterflies from all over the world. Small butterflies,...
Gemert -
Gemert Media B.V. | Gemert
Gemert Media B.V. | GemertGemert Media B.V. is a multimedia company, based in Gemert and the creator of the Gemerts Nieuwsb...
Gemert -
WWII: Koordekanaal in de Klotterpeel | De Rips
WWII: Koordekanaal in de Klotterpeel | De RipsThe remains of a dug antitank canal that was part of the infamous Peel-Raamstelling, a defensive...
De Rips -
Naturist Recreation Park | Elsendorp
Naturist Recreation Park | ElsendorpA beautiful, quiet environment where you can fully and carefree enjoy your privacy: that's what N...