In Laarbeek, various performances take place every year. These may be outdoors in the Open Air Theatre in Mariahout or indoors in Ons Tejater in the Village Hall in Lieshout. Performances can also be held in Buurthuis Mariahout, Ontmoetingscentrum Beek en Donk or MFC De Dreef in Aarle-Rixtel.
Laarbeek has a number of theatre groups, such as Toneelvereniging 'De Vriendenkring' from Lieshout. It was founded in November 1988 and in the meantime, the number of performances has increased to nine a year. Every performance is always sold out. That is why they won the Laarbeek Culture Prize in 2014. They have both a youth and an adult group. Their performances used to be played at Zaal Slegers, but in 1996 they moved to the new Dorpshuis, now the home of De Vriendenkring. Their popularity is also growing, as visitors come from all over the region.
Mariahout has a theatre association for youth and adults. It was founded in 1973 and has since entertained thousands of people with its annual productions for young and old. Mostly in natural theatres from Valkenburg to The Hague. It is a great performance for such a small association from an equally small village community. However, the association would never have been able to perform on this scale without the support and cooperation of the Foundation Open Air Theatre Mariahout.
The Open Air Theatre was built in 1945 with the concrete blocks from Welschap Airport, which was bombed in the Second World War. Pastor van Eijndhoven was a great promoter of amateur theatre. The theatre was also used for ceremonies. In 2012 it was completely restored and expanded.
The Open Air Theatre is located in the heart of Mariahout and is easily accessible. A performance in the open air is something special; the theatre is not called 'the Pearl of Laarbeek' for nothing. Enjoy the best artists, with the setting sun or stars in the sky. It is a unique experience that you should really go and see.

Theatre and stage performances
Are you curious about what theatre performances are on in Laarbeek? Below you will find a complete overview of all theatre and drama performances in the Dorpshuis in Lieshout or in the Open Air Theatre in Mariahout.