Rondom Gimmert
In cooperation with Tourclub Aan de Wielen from Aarle-Rixtel, the Brabantse Kluis has set out various cycling routes. You can download the routes for free via our site. There are routes with different distances, for the recreational and/or trained cyclist. The routes are set out through beautiful areas. You will cycle alternately through farmlands, forests and village centres. The routes also pass various catering establishments where you can make a stop.
Nice to see, at point 14 a beautiful forest area with many footpaths, the Esdonks chapel at point 19, point 22 especially for the children the Aardbeienhof and for the adults the Boerenbondsmuseum, at point 25 the Castle of Gemert.
Sights on this route
Starting point
Kloosterdreef 8
5735SJ Aarle-Rixtel
Navigate to starting point
Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Boerenbondsmuseum GemertPandelaar 106
5421 NJ Gemert

Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Pandelaar 106
5421 NJ Gemert
Herberg de Brabantse Kluis
Herberg de Brabantse KluisKloosterdreef 8
5735SJ Aarle-Rixtel

Herberg de Brabantse Kluis
Herberg de Brabantse Kluis
Herberg de Brabantse Kluis
Kloosterdreef 8
5735SJ Aarle-Rixtel
Kapel Esdonks Kapelleke | Gemert
Esdonks KapellekeEsdonk 15
5421 PZ Gemert

Kapel Esdonks Kapelleke | Gemert
Kapel Esdonks Kapelleke | Gemert
Esdonks Kapelleke
Esdonk 15
5421 PZ Gemert
1. Departure from the Brabantse Kluis to the left
2. Cross over the intersection (Prof. Dondersweg)
3. Crossing the main road, CAUTION and follow cycle path to the right
4. Crossing right of way and left bicycle path (Peeleindseweg)
5. 1st road right (Broekweg)
6. End of road turn left (Vonderweg-Oost)
7. 1st road right (Kampenweg)
8. End of road turn left
9. After Boerdonk sign turn right (Past.v.Schijndelstraat)
10. After Herberg Het Mirakel and church 1st right (Akkerweg)
11. Right at the junction, cycle path (Boerdonksedijk)
12. Immediately after housenumber 13 right bicycle path (Hurkskesepad).
13. End of cycle path right.
14. 1st road left (Meerbosweg 37-39), turns into gravel bike path.
15. At hard road right bike path
16. After the Aa bridge, at the Koksehoeve turn left (Handelsesteeg).
17. 1st road left (Serisweg)
18. 1st road right (Esdonk)
19. At Esdonks kapelletje or spijkerkapelletje right
20. Crossing the junction
21. Crossing the main road and left bike path
22. Past Aardbeienhof and Boerenbondsmuseum follow road through Gemert
23. At roundabout straight on (Haageijk)
24. Follow road to the right (Molenstraat)
25. Opposite the Rabobank turn right (Heilige Geestlaan), along the castle.
26. Turn 1st left (Witte Brug) and go straight into cycle path.
27. At end of cycle path keep left
28. At right of way turn left at farmhouse with black and white shutters.
29. 1st road right (Groenendaal)
30. Crossing the main road CAUTION
31. End of road right and immediately left (Daalhorst)
32. After house no. 39 enter sandy path (to the third alley)
33. Enter bridges path, cross the bridge and follow the path.
34. End of path turn left into gravel path and follow path straight ahead.
35. At the hard road turn right, at the crossroads turn left (Kloosterdreef).
36. End of route